Generalitat de Catalunya
8th EUREGEO 2015
  • January 2015. Deadline for preliminary registration and second circular
  • March 13th 2015 Deadline for submission of abstracts
  • April 2015 Information regarding accepted contributions
  • May 29th, 2015 End of registration at reduced fee
  • May 29th Third circular, short programme
  • June 15th - 17th 2015 Congress
  • June 17th – 19th Field trips
Promoting committee

Artur Mas, President of the Government of Catalonia

Santi Vila, Minister of the Department of Town and Country Planning and Sustainability of the Government of Catalonia

Stefano Bonaccini, Presidente della Regione Emilia-Romagna

Paola Gazzolo, Assessore Sicurezza Territoriale. Difesa del Suolo e della Costa. Protezione Civile. Regione Emilia-Romagna

Horst Seehofer, Bayerischer Ministerpräsident

Ulrike Scharf, Bayerische Staatsministerin für Umwelt und Verbraucherschutz

Organizing committee

Generalitat de Catalunya: Antoni Roca, Xavier Berástegui

Freistaat Bayern: Claus Kumutat, Roland Eichhorn

Emilia-Romagna: Raffaele Pignone, Michela Grandi

European Commission: Luca Montanarella

EuroGeoSurveys: Luca Demicheli

Scientific Committee

Luca Montanarella- European Commission- Joint Research Centre

Gerold Diepolder- Bavarian Environment Agency- Geological Survey

Michela Grandi- Regione Emilia-Romagna- Geological, seismic and soil survey

Roland Eichhorn- Bavarian Environment Agency- Geological Survey

Xavier Berástegui- Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia

Local Organising Committee

ICGC Headquarters

Parc de Montjuïc
08038 Barcelona
Tel.  93 567 15 00
Fax. 93 567 15 67

Carme Puig, Jorge Fleta and Eulàlia Pujal


From 15th to 17 of June, 2015, the 8th European Congress on Regional Geoscientific Cartography and Information Systems (EUREGEO) will be held in Barcelona. It continues the dialogue started in 1994 by the European regions of Bavaria, Catalonia and Emilia-Romagna. Again it shall serve as a platform for experts from regional and national geological surveys, from universities, research institutes and from the economy, building a bridge between scientific research and practical application.

The Congress starts on Monday 15th afternoon and closes on Wednesday 17th afternoon.

The Congress will be held in Barcelona, at Casa Convalescència, a unique building rich in modernist architecture and related elements, declared Historical Artistic Monument in 1978 and World Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO in 1997 ( [map location]
Preliminary Scientific Programme

The Congress will focus on two ranges of subjects:

Geological 3D Modelling

Geology innately is a three-dimensional issue. 3D geological models are the consequent extension of traditional 2D geological maps into the third dimension, portraying subsurface layers, structures, and properties within a 3D volumetric space. Populated 3D models are created by geological interpretation and rigorous use of raw data, a sound geological knowledge and mathematical methods.

During the past decade geological surveys and academia have made considerable efforts in applying existing technologies to create 3D models for a wide range of geoscientific issues, however, mainly deployed and maintained in proprietary formats and IT environments. With the improvement of web visualization and database tools it is now possible to interconnect and integrate proprietary models from different sources and to provide them to a wider circle of customers also beyond the geoscientific community.


With the aim to aims to increase awareness and understanding of the importance of soil for food security, and its essential ecosystem functions, the 68th UN General Assembly declared 2015 the International Year of Soils (IYS) (A/RES/68/232).

The Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the United Nations has been nominated to implement the IYS 2015, within the framework of the Global Soil Partnership and in collaboration with Governments and the secretariat of the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification.


Presentations should deal with the themes related to the two thematic axes:

Thematic axis 1: Geological 3D Modelling
  1. Towards a transnational geo data infrastructure – from isolated 3D applications to cross-border interoperability.
  2. How to integrate the academic research.
  3. From external sources to external users: Use cases for overcoming technological and cultural barriers meeting the users' needs.

Thematic axis 2: Soil
  1. Soil contamination.
  2. Soil maps.
  3. Soil erosion.
Presentations and publication

Contributions may be made as oral presentations or posters. Oral presentations are time-limited to 15 min plus 5 min for discussion. If the number of oral presentations exceeds the available time frame, authors will have the opportunity to present their contributions in form of a poster,  discussed during the poster sessions.

Authors proposing an oral or poster presentation are requested to use the abstract template. Contributions are limited to 2 pages A4, including tables, figures and references.

Abstracts should be forwarded not later than 13 of March, 2015.

After review by the Scientific Committee the authors will be informed about the accepted contributions in April 2015. Once the abstracts are accepted and the obligatory registration fee has been received, the contributions will be published in a special volume and made available to the participants at the registration desk of the congress.

An online publication is planned.

Congress language will be English.

Two post-congress fieldtrips are planned to the Southern Pyrenees in Tremp area. The fieldtrips are optional and not included in the registration fee.

Regional geology fieldtrip: The target of the fieldtrip is enjoying some of the most relevant structural features of the Southern Pyrenees and their connection with their 3D modelling.

Soil fieldtrip will deal with some of the most relevant soil features in the same area and its relation to the geological and geomorphological units.

Both fieldtrips will start on Wednesday 17th evening in Barcelona and will end on Friday 19th morning, arriving at 11:00h at the Barcelona Airport.

Details and  prices, will be published in the second circular.

Congress dinner

The Congress Dinner will be held on Tuesday evening, June 16, 2015, at 20.30 h.

Dinner fees will be announced in the second circular.


Congress participants are required to book their own accommodation.

Some options within walking distance of Casa Convalescència are:

In order to facilitate the organisation, we kindly ask you for a prompt pre-registration using the online form.
Fees and payment

Standard fees are 150 € and apply prior to May 29th, 2015 and 200 € at and after this date.

Student fees are 50 €.

Fees include full admission to the 8th EUREGEO, the Congress documentation, ice-breaker and farewell meetings as well as networking coffee breaks.