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European Early Childhood Education Research Association (EECERA)

Christos Frangos

It is with great sadness that we have tell you that our dear friend Christos Frangos has died in Thessaloniki. As you all know he really was a key gatekeeper for us in our work and, personally, a wonderful and close friend full of sunshine and laughter and sage wisdom. We shall miss him and his sense of fun enormously. We were to visit him in Thessaloniki later this month and spoke to him only two weeks ago when he seemed to be in great form so this is really unexpected.
(Chris Pascal, EECERA President)

EECERA is an independent, self-governing, international association which promotes and disseminates multi-disciplinary research on early childhood and its applications to policy and practice.

EECERA is a non-profit organisation, wholly-owned and subscribed to by its substantial and influential world-wide membership. It generates its own revenue, receives no external funding and thus ensures its independence, radical attitude and innovative openness

EECERA seeks to sustain and develop the rich tradition of European early childhood thought, the legacy of Pestalozzi, Owen, Froebel, Steiner, Vygotsky, Piaget, Malaguzzi and other pioneers, whilst looking forward to encourage the exploration of new paradigms, methodologies, concepts and applications in the ever-changing context of early childhood studies. Its reach and interest is resolutely international and, whilst wanting to identify with Europe’s pluralist and diverse cultures, it is open to learn of, and to share in, the equally rich early childhood traditions and concepts of the World.

EECERA's Annual Conference is the largest early childhood research conference in Europe providing an exceptional forum and network for scholars, policy makers, researchers and practitioners.

EECERA also encourages and supports cross-national collaborations and themed publications through its Special Interest Groups (SIGs).

The Journal of the Association (EECERJ) is the only European early childhood journal cited in the prestigious Social Science Citation Index (SSCI). The SSCI identifies scholarship from across 50 disciplines including 'education'. Only the world's leading social sciences journals are selected for inclusion in the index. The SSCI includes only four journals with an early years' focus, and of these four, only one is produced in Europe, the EECERJ.

Through its Annual Conference, its Journal, its SIGs and the activities of its distinguished membership, EECERA is a leading international contributor to the development of research, policy and practice in the developing field of early childhood.