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Welcome to the largest Economics bibligraphic database on the Internet. Based on RePEc, it has over 1.9 million records.
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Current holdings on IDEAS:

& series
Items of which
online JEL coded with abstracts with references with citations
Working papers4,311 709,375 607,300 334,722 572,434 368,583 295,926
Articles2,385 1,224,726 1,162,515 210,826 784,200 316,225 471,876
Software components34 3,614 3,600 423 3,491 0 0
Books322 28,850 16,921 7,657 22,465 2,968 9,120
Chapters151 37,767 35,962 5,810 24,450 7,192 9,245
Total 7,203 2,004,332 1,826,298 559,438 1,407,040 694,968 786,167
In addition, IDEAS has information about
13,481 economics institutions,
46,536 authors who have registered with the RePEc Author Service (and have authored 1,157,727 items listed in RePEc), and
53,987 NEP reports in 95 fields.

IDEAS is run with considerable help from others by Christian Zimmermann at the Research Division of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, which runs and hosts this server. IDEAS uses the RePEc database. RePEc stands for "Research Papers in Economics" and is an internal name for a group working on the provision of electronic working papers. We are concerned that the uncoordinated provision of archives is inefficient. We believe that joining forces is a good thing because we can learn from each other how to do things better and promote our work together. Our archives are interconnected using a set of rules called the Guildford protocol (GuilP). Here is what we call a service, a server mirroring the database built from these archives.

Comments about IDEAS should be addressed to Christian Zimmermann. For corrections, please look first at these instructions. The usual copyright laws apply to all the content of this site and the texts on other servers.

RePEc copyright statement.

This information is provided to you by IDEAS at the Research Division of the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis using RePEc data.