About IDEA    
  The International Doctorate in Economic Analysis
  is a highly competitive international Ph.D. program in Economics. Launched in 1991-1992 IDEA was the first postgraduate program in Southern Europe drawing on the Anglo-Saxon tradition of two years coursework, with a supervised master thesis and two/three more years devoted to a PhD thesis.
  We are proud that IDEA has succeeded in maintaining its exceptional standards over the years, receiving awards and gaining recognition worldwide.
The success of IDEA centres around the following unique features:
  • The growth and maintainance of a world class faculty including recipients of the Rey Juan Carlos and the Rey Jaume I awards in Economics, as well as the first Spanish fellow of the Econometrics Society.
  • A proven ability to generate doctors with a sustained and successful research life.
  • The capacity to place its graduates in attractive research and also in policy oriented institutions.
    Discover more about the IDEA Experience from our Alumni Statements  




    (34) 93 581 13 59  
    (34) 93 581 20 12  





Class Offerings
© International Doctorate in Economic Analysis (UFAE/UAB/SPAIN)