Upon arrival at the UAB

Upon arrival at the UAB you will need to:

Opening hours: Mon to Fri, 9:30 to 15:00

Meet wit the Exchange Coordinator at the School
Albert Vancells. Room 139. E-mail: albert.vancells@uab.cat. Phone: +34 93 592 97 10.

Begin your courses (starting date: 12th September. Except 1st year courses: 5th September. Second semester: 8th February. Please check the academic calendar document for specific dates).

We advise you to start courses even if you are not registered.
You will find the information on classrooms on the noticeboard located in the hall of the School and on this link.

Enrolment (Exchange Coordinator at the School)
Your enrolment form will be sent to you by e-mail.

Documents required for registration:
• Learning Agreement/Acuerdo Académico, duly signed by your Exchange Coordinator.
• Photocopy of your medical insurance (except for SICUE students).