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The People, Populism, and The Leader's Semi-Embodied Power
de la Torre, Carlos (University of Kentucky)

Additional title: El poble, el populisme i el poder semi-encarnat del líder
Date: 2013
Abstract: This paper showed the ambiguities of the highly emotional terms of the people and populism. These concepts, as shown in this article, oscillate between poles: threat and promise, danger and redemption. The article illustrated how constructions of the people continue to appeal to notions of the dangerous mobs. It illustrates how elites appropriate the voice of the people to legitimate their rule as the rightful interpreters. Activists, and dissenters, including populist politicians challenge the rule of elites, claim to speak for the people. Their interventions aim to disrupt the normalcy of things, and of the status quo. Workers, for instance, "spoke in order to say that they were not those Others, those 'barbarians' that bourgeois discourse denounced"87. Dissenters destabilize the common sense that gives authority to the voices of some people of the community, and that recognizes some issues as valid and important. A dissensus is "a dispute over what is given and about the frame within which we see something as given"88. It is "a practice of disidentification whereby the people refuse to accept the place -often of the excluded underdog-assigned to them"89. Challenges to the exclusion of those considered having no voice, and to those whose issues are interpreted as irrelevant or particularistic are of course potentially democratizing. This type of interventions is what gives democratic credentials to populist and social movement activists. The question is how these demands will be processed. Will they entail a deepening of democracy maintaining its representative fabric, mediations, checks and balances, which allow for pluralism and contestation? Or would they lead to Jacobin symbolic appropriations of the people's will90, and to attempts to occupy the open space of democracy?.
Abstract: Aquest treball analitza les ambigüitats dels conceptes de poble i populisme. Il·lustra com aquests conceptes oscil·len entre extrems: tot o part, risc o promesa. S'analitzen debats sobre qui és el poble, qui parla en el seu nom i les seves relacions amb els ideals democràtics. El treball explica com el populisme pot ser concebut simultàniament com una promesa democratitzadora i com un risc que l'espai buit de la democràcia sigui ocupat per un líder que s'autoconcep com el redemptor del poble. Este trabajo analiza las ambigüedades de los conceptos de pueblo y populismo. Ilustra cómo estos conceptos oscilan entre extremos: todo o parte, riesgo o promesa. Se analizan debates sobre quién es el pueblo, quién habla en su nombre y sus relaciones con los ideales democráticos. 520 3_ $a El trabajo explica cómo el populismo puede ser concebido simultáneamente como una promesa democratizadora y como un riesgo de que el espacio vacío de la democracia sea ocupado por un líder que se autoconcibe como el redentor del pueblo.
Rights: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, la comunicació pública de l'obra i la creació d'obres derivades, fins i tot amb finalitats comercials, sempre i quan es reconegui l'autoria de l'obra original. Creative Commons
Language: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Published in: Rúbrica contemporánea, Vol. 2, Núm. 3 (2013) , p. 5-20, ISSN 2014-5748

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DOI: 10.5565/rev/rubrica.33

16 p, 501.6 KB

The record appears in these collections:
Articles > Published articles > Rúbrica contemporanea
Articles > Research articles

 Record created 2013-07-05, last modified 2024-02-16

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