Advanced Genetic Improvements [42928]
Folch, Josep M.

Date: 2013-14
Abstract: The main goal of the course is to acquire the theoretical and practical knowledge about quantitative genetics and genomics applied to animal breeding. The specific objectives are: • Learn the statistical methodology to understand the genetic evaluation of animals and plants both using the IBD and molecular coancestry approaches. • Develop strategies to optimize genomic selection. • Introduce the student to the Bayesian methodology. • Learn new methods for the analysis of the genetic diversity of populations. • Learn the methods used in the genome analysis of domestic animals. • Introduce the student to the methods used to identify and analyze genes that contribute to the variability of complex traits in animals. • Acquire bioinformatics skills for the genome analysis of domestic animals. • Infer the processes that contributed to the formation of domestic animal populations from molecular data.
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Language: Català
Studies: Genètica Avançada / Advanced Genetics [4313802]
Document: Objecte d'aprenentatge

5 p, 108.5 KB

The record appears in these collections:
Course materials > Course guides

 Record created 2013-09-13, last modified 2023-01-28

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