Tècniques de Recerca [42277]
Muñoz Mendoza, Jordi

Fecha: 2013-14
Resumen: The aim of this course is for the students to be familiar with and know how to apply a series of the main social science research techniques of collecting and analysing data. In order to meet these objectives we include both quantitative and qualitative techniques. We cannot cover all the research techniques of the social sciences, but centre on those that can be found in the main social science journals. We prioritize issues of practical training and interpretation over very mathematical questions. The sessions on quantitative and qualitative research techniques will be taught in parallel over the 8 weeks of the course. The classes combine theoretical lectures with seminars and sessions of practicing different techniques. An important part of the course takes place outside of the classroom in order to consolidate the use of a selection of the research techniques.
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Lengua: Català
Titulación: Ciència Política / Political Science [4313335]
Documento: Objecte d'aprenentatge

7 p, 116.6 KB

El registro aparece en las colecciones:
Materiales académicos > Guías docentes

 Registro creado el 2013-09-18, última modificación el 2023-01-28

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