Current variables, definitions and endpoints of the European Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Registry - Wagner, Anja (Drexel University College of Medicine. Department of Cardiology (Filadèlfia, Estats Units d'Amèrica)) ; Bruder, Oliver (Elisabeth Hospital. Department of Cardiology and Angiology (Essen, Alemanya)) ; Schneider, Steffen (Institut für Herzinfarktforschung (Ludwigshafen, Alemanya)) ; Nothnagel, Detlev (Klinikum Ludwigsburg. Department of Cardiology (Ludwigsburg, Alemanya)) ; Buser, Peter (University Hospital Basel (Basilea, Suïssa)) ; Pons Lladó, G. J. (Institut d'Investigació Biomèdica Sant Pau) ; Dill, Thorsten (Kerkhoff-Klinik. Department of Cardiology (Bad Nauheim, Alemanya)) ; Hombach, Vinzenz (University of Ulm. Department of Internal Medicine II, Cardiology (Ulm, Alemanya)) ; Lombardi, Massimo (CNR National Research Council. Clinical Physiology Institute (Pisa, Itàlia)) ; van Rossum, Albert C. (VU Medical Centre. Department of Cardiology (Amsterdam, Països Baixos)) ; Schwitter, Juerg (University Hospital Lausanne. Cardiac MR Centre (Lausanne, Suïssa)) ; Senges, Jochen (Institut für Herzinfarktforschung (Ludwigshafen, Alemanya)) ; Sabin, Georg V. (Elisabeth Hospital. Department of Cardiology and Angiology (Essen, Alemanya)) ; Sechtem, Udo (Robert Bosch Medical Centre. Department of Cardiology (Stuttgart, Alemanya)) ; Mahrholdt, Heiko (Robert Bosch Medical Centre. Department of Cardiology (Stuttgart, Alemanya)) ; Nagel, Eike (King's College London (Regne Unit)) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
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