Modelling routeways in a landscape of esker and bog
O'Brien, Yolande (National University of Ireland. Department of Archaeology)

Date: 2014
Abstract: With the models used in this research, we can identify routeways which can be used to understand landscapeand contextualise archaeological remains, while also learningabout the decision-making process of people in the past andhow they negotiated the landscape. ArcGIS and NetLogo areused to demonstrate the cumulative process which leads to thecreation and evolution of routeways over time in a series ofactions that approaches efficiency. The environment of NorthOffaly in the Irish Midlands is used as an example, as it is alandscape of natural routeways and obstacles for which wehave rich archaeological and documentary evidencesupporting interpretation of movement.
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Language: Anglès
Document: Comunicació de congrés
Subject: Computational social science ; Social simulation ; Routeways ; Landscape
Published in: Social Simulation Conference. Bellaterra, Cerdanyola del Vallès, : 2014

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6 p, 7.4 MB

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Contributions to meetings and congresses > Papers and communications > UAB papers and communications

 Record created 2014-10-27, last modified 2024-05-25

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