Diagnostic plot for the identification of high leverage collinearity-influential observations
Bagheri, Arezoo (National Population Studies & Comprehensive Management Institute (Teheran, Iran))
Midi, Habshah (Universiti Putra Malaysia. Department of Mathematics)

Date: 2015
Abstract: High leverage collinearity influential observations are those high leverage points that change the multicollinearity pattern of a data. It is imperative to identify these points as they are responsible for misleading inferences on the fitting of a regression model. Moreover, identifying these observations may help statistics practitioners to solve the problem of multicollinearity, which is caused by high leverage points. A diagnostic plot is very useful for practitioners to quickly capture abnormalities in a data. In this paper, we propose new diagnostic plots to identify high leverage collinearity influential observations. The merit of our proposed diagnostic plots is confirmed by some well-known examples and Monte Carlo simulations.
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Language: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Subject: Collinearity influential observation ; High lever-age points ; Multicollinearity ; Diagnostic robust generalized potential
Published in: SORT : statistics and operations research transactions, Vol. 39 Núm. 1 (January-June 2015) , p. 51-70 (Articles) , ISSN 2013-8830

Adreça alternativa: https://raco.cat/index.php/SORT/article/view/294377

20 p, 317.5 KB

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 Record created 2015-06-25, last modified 2024-05-21

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