Productivity, price recovery, capacity constraints and their financial consequences
Grifell-Tatjé, Emili (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Economia de l'Empresa)
Lovell, C. A. Knox (University of Queensland)
University of Queensland. Centre for Efficiency and Productivity Analysis

Publicación: Australia: Centre for Efficiency and Productivity Analysis, School of Economics University of Queensland, 2013
Descripción: 36 p.
Resumen: Mining and fishing are both extractive industries, although one resource is renewable and the other is not. Miners and fishers pursue financial objectives, although their objectives may differ. In both industries financial performance is influenced by productivity and prices. Finally, in both industries capacity constraints influence financial performance, perhaps but not necessarily through their impact on productivity, and both industries encounter external as well as internal capacity constraints. In this study we develop an analytical framework that links all four phenomena. We use return on assets to measure financial performance, and our analytical framework is provided by the duPont triangle. We measure productivity change in two ways, with a theoretical technology-based index and with empirical price-based indexes. We measure price change with empirical quantity-based indexes. We measure internal capacity utilization by relating a pair of output quantity vectors representing actual output and full capacity output, and we develop physical and economic measures of internal capacity utilization. We also show how external capacity constraints can restrict the ability to reach full capacity output. The analytical framework has productivity change, price change and change in capacity utilization influencing change in return on assets.
Derechos: Tots els drets reservats.
Lengua: Anglès
Colección: Working papers series (University of Queensland. Centre for Efficiency and Productivity Analysis); 03/2013
Documento: Working paper
Materia: Indústries ; Productivitat

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36 p, 402.4 KB

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