Creativity : the key to creating successful advertising messages in the digital sonosphere
Barbeito Veloso, Ma. Luz (María Luz) (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Fajula, Anna (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Enrique, Ana Ma. (Ana María) (Ana María) (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Imprint: Braga, Portugal: Communication and Society Research Centre (University of Minho), 2012
Description: 10 pag.
Abstract: The characteristics of the radio media have traditionally been put forward as arguments to justify the lack of creativity in radio advertising in Spain. Factors such as fragmentation of the media, the need to resort to high frequencies in the broadcast message, the format almost absolute control wedge or direct translation of texts designed to television to radio, have led to and perpetuated the idea that radio advertising is not creative. However, the sono-digital realm has become the paradigm upside down transmission and reception of audio advertising messages. Multiplication, integration and interaction of different receiving devices paint a landscape in which arise not only new consumption habits that are beginning to overtake traditional formats, but also creativity stands as an essential tool to attract attention of the "new audiences". This is one conclusion that emerges from the first phase of the study being carried out Publiradio Research Group (Faculty of Communication Sciences -Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona), with the title: The Digital Sonosphere as a New Space to Communicate with Young People: A Study of Listener Habits for the Development of new PSA Formats CSO2009-12236. The project emphasizes the importance given to creativity when developing advertising products, so much so that young people who have been part of the field investigation, one of the conditions to be given to advertising is acceptable to be creative. In this new stage of digital sound-field, in which the radio loses its characteristic half-king as a transmitter of sound advertising and must coexist with other media that carry the increased potential for contact with the target. These new media have features that allow them free of the topics traditionally associated with radio advertising, but have we taken this opportunity to renew? The emergence of these new media has not been accompanied by the emergence of new advertising formulas sound. In this communication, is intended to highlight the opportunity provided by the digital sound-field enhancement factor of creativity and highlight the central role it can and should play in building.
Rights: Tots els drets reservats.
Language: Anglès
Document: Capítol de llibre
Subject: Creativity ; Sound ; Advertising ; Digital
Published in: Radio evolution : conference Proceedings, 2012, p. 295-303, ISBN 978-989-97244-9-5

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10 p, 264.4 KB

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