Scopus: 7 citas, Google Scholar: citas,
The social geography of unmarried cohabitation in the USA, 2007-2011
Lesthaeghe, Ron (Free University of Brussel)
López Colás, Julián (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics)
Neidert, Lisa (University of Michigan. Population Studies Center)

Publicación: Springer International Publishing 2016
Descripción: 30 pag.
Resumen: US studies of marriage and cohabitation have mainly highlighted the social and racial differentials as they were observed in cross-sections, and have as a result essentially focused on the "pattern of disadvantage". The evolution of such social differentials over time and space reveals that this pattern of disadvantage has clearly persisted, but that it is far from covering the whole story. Historically, there has been a major contribution to the rise of cohabitation by white college students, and later on young white adults with higher education continued to start unions via cohabitation to ever increasing degrees. Only, they seem to move into marriage to a greater extent later on in life than other population segments. Also, the religious affiliation matters greatly: Mormons and evangelical Christians have resisted the current trends. Furthermore this effect is not only operating at the individual but at the contextual level as well. Conversely, even after controls for competing socio-economic explanations, residence in areas (either counties or PUMA-areas) with a Democratic voting pattern is related to higher cohabitation probabilities. And, finally, different legal contexts at the level of States also significantly contributed to the emergence of strong spatial contrasts. Hence, there is a concurrence of several factors shaping the present differentiations, and the rise of secular and liberal attitudes, i. e. the "ethics revolution", is equally a part of the explanation.
Ayudas: European Commission 240978
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Lengua: Anglès
Documento: Capítol de llibre
Publicado en: Cohabitation and marriage in the Americas : geo-historical legacies and new trends, 2016, p. 101-131, ISBN 9783319314402

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DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-31442-6_4

31 p, 847.2 KB

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