Work Placement II [43829]
Sikora, Anna
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Escola d'Enginyeria

Fecha: 2017-18
Resumen: The development of professional practices will allow students the practical application of the knowledge acquired in their academic training, preparing for professional activities and facilitating their integration into the labor market, will provide the students a view of the business, institutional and labor situation, in the field of computer engineering. Other objectives are: a) To contribute to the integral formation of students, complementing their theoretical and practical lessons. b) Facilitate the understanding of the methodology appropriate to the professional reality in which students will have to operate as graduates, contrasting and applying the acquired knowledge. c) Develop teamwork capability. d) Encouraging the development of the capacity of decision making and the critical spirit of students. The practice will be, generally, interdisciplinary and can be related to any courses of the studies.
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Lengua: Anglès
Titulación: Enginyeria Informàtica / Computer Engineering [4314660]
Plan de estudios: Màster Universitari en Enginyeria Informàtica /Computer Engineering [1269]
Documento: Objecte d'aprenentatge

4 p, 70.3 KB

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Materiales académicos > Guías docentes

 Registro creado el 2017-07-04, última modificación el 2023-01-29

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