Statistical tests for scaling in the inter-event times of earthquakes in California
Corral, Álvaro
Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

Imprint: Centre de Recerca Matemàtica 2011
Description: 15 p.
Abstract: We explore in depth the validity of a recently proposed scaling law for earthquake inter-event time distributions in the case of the Southern California, using the waveform cross-correlation catalog of Shearer et al. Two statistical tests are used: on the one hand, the standard two-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov test is in agreement with the scaling of the distributions. On the other hand, the one-sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic complemented with Monte Carlo simulation of the inter-event times, as done by Clauset et al. , supports the validity of the gamma distribution as a simple model of the scaling function appearing on the scaling law, for rescaled inter-event times above 0. 01, except for the largest data set (magnitude greater than 2). A discussion of these results is provided.
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Language: Anglès
Series: Centre de Recerca Matemàtica. Prepublicacions
Series: Prepublicacions del Centre de Recerca Matemàtica ; 1074
Document: Article ; Prepublicació ; Versió de l'autor
Subject: Sistemes complexos ; Terratrèmols ; Física estadística

15 p, 604.4 KB

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 Record created 2017-10-16, last modified 2024-05-18

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