Web of Science: 89 citations, Scopus: 98 citations, Google Scholar: citations,
Diagnosis, management, and outcomes of patients with syncope and bundle branch block
Moya Mitjans, Àngel (Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron)
García Civera, Roberto (Hospital Clínic Universitari (València))
Croci, Francesco (Ospedali del Tigullio)
Menozzi, Carlo (Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova)
Brugada, Josep 1958- (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona)
Ammirati, Fabrizio (Ospedale Grassi)
Del Rosso, Attilio (Ospedale S. Giuseppe)
Bellver Navarro, Alejandro (Consorci Hospitalari Provincial de Castelló)
Garcia Sacristán, Jesús (Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Albacete)
Bortnik, Miriam (Ospedale Maggiore Della Caritá)
Mont, Lluis (Hospital Clínic i Provincial de Barcelona)
Ruiz Granell, Ricardo (Hospital Clínic Universitari (València))
Navarro, X. (Xavier) (Xavier) (Medtronic Ibérica)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Date: 2011
Abstract: Although patients with syncope and bundle branch block (BBB) are at high risk of developing atrio-ventricular block, syncope may be due to other aetiologies. We performed a prospective, observational study of the clinical outcomes of patients with syncope and BBB following a systematic diagnostic approach. Patients with ≥1 syncope in the last 6 months, with QRS duration ≥120 ms, were prospectively studied following a three-phase diagnostic strategy: Phase I, initial evaluation; Phase II, electrophysiological study (EPS); and Phase III, insertion of an implantable loop recorder (ILR). Overall, 323 patients (left ventricular ejection fraction 56 ± 12%) were studied. The aetiological diagnosis was established in 267 (82. 7%) patients (102 at initial evaluation, 113 upon EPS, and 52 upon ILR) with the following aetiologies: bradyarrhythmia (202), carotid sinus syndrome (20), ventricular tachycardia (18), neurally mediated (9), orthostatic hypotension (4), drug-induced (3), secondary to cardiopulmonary disease (2), supraventricular tachycardia (1), bradycardia-tachycardia (1), and non-arrhythmic (7). A pacemaker was implanted in 220 (68. 1%), an implantable cardioverter defibrillator in 19 (5. 8%), and radiofrequency catheter ablation was performed in 3 patients. Twenty patients (6%) had died at an average follow-up of 19. 2 ± 8. 2 months. In patients with syncope, BBB, and mean left ventricular ejection fraction of 56 ± 12%, a systematic diagnostic approach achieves a high rate of aetiological diagnosis and allows to select specific treatment.
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Language: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Subject: Syncope ; Bundle branch block ; Electrocardiography ; Pacemakers
Published in: European heart journal, Vol. 32 (march 2011) , p. 1535-1541, ISSN 1522-9645

DOI: 10.1093/eurheartj/ehr071
PMID: 21444367

7 p, 245.4 KB

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Articles > Research articles
Articles > Published articles

 Record created 2018-01-25, last modified 2024-05-22

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