Web of Science: 13 citations, Scopus: 14 citations, Google Scholar: citations
Renal replacement therapy in Europe-a summary of the 2010 ERA-EDTA Registry Annual Report
Kramer, Anneke (ERA-EDTA Registry, Department of Medical Informatics, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Stel, Vianda S. (ERA-EDTA Registry, Department of Medical Informatics, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Abad Diez, José Maria (Dirección General de Planificación y Aseguramiento, Gobierno de Aragón, Spain)
Alonso de la Torre, Ramón (Dirección General de Salud Pública, Principado de Asturias, Spain)
Bouzas Caamaño, Encarnación (Oficina de Coordinación de Trasplantes, Servicio Gallego de Salud (SERGAS), Galicia, Spain)
Čala, Svjetlana (Nephrology and Dialysis Department, University Clinic for Internal Diseases, Sestre Milosrdnice Clinical Hospital Centre, School of Medicine, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia)
Cao Baduell, Higini (Hospital del Mar (Barcelona, Catalunya))
Castro de la Nuez, Pablo (Coordinación Autonómica de Trasplantes, Servicios de Apoyo del SAS, Sevilla, Andalusia, Spain)
Cernevskis, Harijs (Department of Internal Medicine, P.Stradins Clinical University Hospital, Riga, Latvia)
Collart, Frederic (French-Belgian ESRD Registry, Brussels, Belgium)
Couchoud, Cécile (REIN registry, Agence de la biomédecine, Saint Denis La Plaine Cedex, Paris, France)
De Meester, Johan (Dept of Nephrology, Dialysis & Hypertension, AZ Nikolaas, Sint-Niklaas, Belgium)
Djukanovic, Ljubica (School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia)
Ferrer-Alamar, Manuel (Valencian Region Renal Registry (REMRENAL), Dir. Gral. Investigacion y Salud Publica, Conselleria de Sanitat, Valencia, Spain)
Finne, Patrik (Finnish Registry for Kidney Diseases, Helsinki, Finland)
Fogarty, Damian (Nephrology Research Group, Centre for Public Health, Queen's University and Regional Nephrology Unit, Belfast City Hospital, Belfast, UK)
García Bazaga, María de los Ángeles (Servicio Extremeño de Salud, Consejería de Salud y Política Social, Gobierno de Extremadura, Spain)
Garneata, Liliana (Dr Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy (Bucarest, Romania))
Golan, Eliezer (Israel Society of Nephrology & Hypertension, Dept. of Nephrology & Hypertension, Meir Medical Center, Kfar-Saba, Israel)
González Fernández, Raquel (Técnico de la Coordinación Autonómica de Trasplantes de Castilla y León, Spain)
Heaf, James G. (Department of Nephrology B, Copenhagen University Hospital at Herlev, Herlev, Denmark)
Hoitsma, Andries (Radboud University Medical Centre. Department of Nephrology)
Ioannidis, George A. (Hellenic Renal Registry, General Hospital of Athens "G.Gennimatas", Athens, Greece)
Kolesnyk, Mykola (Institute of Nephrology, Kiev, Ukraine)
Kramar, Reinhard (Austrian Dialysis and Transplant Registry, Rohr, Austria)
Leivestad, Torbjørn (Oslo University Hospital (Oslo, Noruega))
Limido, Aurelio (Nephrology and Dialysis Unit, Azienda Ospedaliera Fatebenefratelli e Oftalmico, Milano, Italy)
Lopot, Frantisek (Charles University. Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové)
Macario, Fernando (Portuguese Renal Disease Registry, Portuguese Society of Nephrology, Coimbra, Portugal)
Magaz, Ángela (UNIPAR, Bilbao, Basque Country, Spain)
Martín-Escobar, Eduardo (Coordinador del Registro Español de Enfermos Renales, Spain)
Metcalfe, Wendy (Scottish Renal Registry, Cirrus House, Abbotsinch, Paisley, Scotland, UK)
Noordzij, Marlies (ERA-EDTA Registry, Department of Medical Informatics, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Ots-Rosenberg, Mai (Department of Internal Medicine, Tartu University, Tartu, Estonia)
Palsson, Runolfur (Landspitali University Hospital (Reykjavík, Islàndia))
Piñera Haces, Celestino (Hospital Universitario Marqués de Valdecilla (Santander, Cantabria))
Postorino, Maurizio (CNR-IBIM Clinical Epidemiology and Pathophysiology of Renal Diseases and Hypertension, Renal and Transplantation Unit, Ospedali Riuniti, Reggio Calabria, Italy)
Prutz, Karl G. (Department of Internal Medicine, Hospital of Helsingborg, Helsingborg, Sweden)
Ratkovic, Marina (Nephrology and Haemodialysis Department, Clinical Center of Montenegro, Podgorica, Montenegro)
Resic, Halima (Clinic for Hemodialysis, Clinical Center University of Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina)
Rodríguez Hernández, Aurelio (Coordinador Autonómico de Trasplante de Órganos y Tejidos, Canarias, Spain)
Rutkowski, Boleslaw (Polish Renal Registry, Department of Nephrology, Transplantology and Internal Disease, Medical University Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland)
Serdengeçti, Kamil (Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal Medicine, Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey)
Yebenes, Tomas Sierra (Registro de Enfermos Renales de Castilla la Mancha, Spain)
Spustová, Viera (Slovak Medical University, Bratislava, Slovakia)
Stojceva-Taneva, Olivera (Macedonian Renal Registry, University Clinic of Nephrology, University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" Skopje, Skopje, Republic of Macedonia)
Tomilina, Natalia A. (Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry, Moscow, Russia)
van de Luijtgaarden, Moniek W. M. (ERA-EDTA Registry, Department of Medical Informatics, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
van Stralen, Karlijn J. (ERA-EDTA Registry, Department of Medical Informatics, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Wanner, Christoph (Division of Nephrology, University Clinic, University of Würzburg, Würzburg, Germany)
Jager, Kitty J. (ERA-EDTA Registry, Department of Medical Informatics, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, The Netherlands)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Date: 2013
Abstract: This study provides a summary of the 2010 European Renal Association-European Dialysis and Transplant Association (ERA-EDTA) Registry Annual Report (available at ). This report includes data on renal replacement therapy (RRT) using data from the national and regional renal registries in 29 countries in Europe and bordering the Mediterranean Sea. Individual patient data were received from 27 registries, whereas 18 registries contributed data in aggregated form. We present incidence and prevalence of RRT, transplant rates, survival probabilities and expected remaining lifetimes. The latter two are solely based on individual patient records. In 2010, the overall incidence rate of RRT for end-stage renal disease (ESRD) among all registries reporting to the ERA-EDTA Registry was 123 per million population (pmp) (n = 91 798). The highest incidence rate was reported by Turkey (252pmp) and the lowest reported by Montenegro (21 pmp). The overall prevalence of RRT for ESRD at 31 December 2010 among all registries reporting to the ERA-EDTA Registry was 741 pmp (n = 551 005). The prevalence varied from 124 pmp in Ukraine to 1580 pmp in Portugal. The overall number of renal transplantations performed in 2010 among all registries was 29. 2 pmp (n = 21 740). The highest overall transplant rate was reported from Spain, Cantabria (73 pmp), whereas the highest transplant rate for living donor kidneys was reported from the Netherlands (28 pmp). For patients who started RRT between 2001 and 2005, the unadjusted 5-year patient survival on RRT was 46. 2% [95% confidence interval (CI) 46. 0-46. 3], and on dialysis 38. 6% (95% CI 38. 5-38. 8). The unadjusted 5-year patient survival after the first renal transplantation performed between 2001 and 2005 was 86. 6% (95% CI 86. 1-87. 1) for deceased donor kidneys and 94. 1% (95% CI 93. 4-94. 8) for living donor kidneys.
Rights: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, la comunicació pública de l'obra i la creació d'obres derivades, sempre que no sigui amb finalitats comercials, i sempre que es reconegui l'autoria de l'obra original. Creative Commons
Language: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Published in: Clinical Kidney Journal, Vol. 6 (february 2013) , p. 105-115, ISSN 2048-8513

DOI: 10.1093/ckj/sfs164
PMID: 27818766

11 p, 352.2 KB

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Articles > Research articles
Articles > Published articles

 Record created 2018-01-27, last modified 2024-07-31

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