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Página principal > Artículos > Artículos publicados > Arrangements for co-ordination between university and college sectors in Canadian Provinces : |
Fecha: | 1998 |
Resumen: | A policy question that arises in any jurisdiction where there is some diversity of postsecondary institutional types is whether there should be formal arrangements for co-ordination among groupings of different type institutions, and if so, what form these arrangements should take. This paper examines questions related to co-ordination between postsecondary sectors in Canada. We conclude that the Canadian provinces, with one important exception, seem to be content to maintain the center of gravity for co-ordination at levels below the system, by either facilitating voluntary inter-sectoral arrangements and encouraging interaction between sectors, or leaving these matters largely at the discretion of institutions. |
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Lengua: | Anglès |
Documento: | Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada |
Publicado en: | Higher education policy, vol. 11 n. 1 (1998) p. 15-27, ISSN 0952-8733 |
13 p, 820.8 KB Acceso restringido a la UAB |