Da estória narrada ao fato descrito
Ramos Trinta, Aluízio (Universidad Federal de Rio de Janeiro)

Date: 2009
Abstract: Las telenovelas brasileñas se caracterizan cada vez más por el tratamiento tele-ficcional que utilizan partiendo de la realidad cotidiana. En vez de comenzar con tramas de intenso melodramatismo, las telenovelas de Rede Globo, por ejemplo, han evolucionado de manera tal que ahora tratan temas de asombroso realismo. Al parecer, las audiencias han perdido sus ideales o aspiraciones trascendentales, de ahí que las telenovelas den por hecho que dichas audiencias están constantemente en la búsqueda de orientaciones tangibles y permanentes. Este artículo traza la evolución en el tratamiento de las telenovelas brasileñas a partir de la producción realizada en la cadena Rede Globo.
Abstract: Brazilian telenovelas are more committed to a (tele)fctional treatment of everyday reality. Rather melodramatic or romantic at the beginning, Rede Globo's telenovelas evolved to a kind of "Realism," that deals with external phenomena or with a relation between such phenomena and a perceiving consciousness. As audiences seem to have lost their ideals or their transcendent aspirations, contemporary telenovelas take it for granted that these audiences are in search of a permanent tangible orientation. In recent telenovelas presented by Rede Globo "realism" appears to be a semi-polemical illusion. It is possible that most audients recognize and enjoy, not the "reality", but the artifce itself, that is, the successful strategy of Rede Globo in its permanent attempt at becoming their aesthetic spokesperson. In Brazil, telenovelas are far and wide recognized as faithful depictions of a national identity.
Rights: Tots els drets reservats.
Language: Portuguès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Published in: DeSignis, Núm. 14 (2009) , p. 179-192, ISSN 2462-7259

14 p, 139.0 KB

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 Record created 2019-08-02, last modified 2023-06-03

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