Understanding legal trade of cattle and camels and the risk of rift valley fever introduction into Egypt - Napp Avelli, Sebastián (Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries. Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal) ; Chevalier, Veronique (CIRAD, UPR AGIRs, Montpellier, France) ; Busquets, Núria (Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries. Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal) ; Calistri, Paolo (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)) ; Casal i Fàbrega, Jordi (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Sanitat i d'Anatomia Animals) ; Attia, Mohamed (Egypt. Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation. Central Administration of Preventive Medicine) ; Elbassal, Rehab (Egypt. Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation. Department of Epidemiology) ; Hosni, Heba (Egypt. Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation. Department of Epidemiology) ; Farrag, Hatem (Egypt. Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation. Quarantine & Inspection Department) ; Hassan, Noura (Egypt. Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation. Quarantine & Inspection Department) ; Tawfik, Rasha (Egypt. Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation. Quarantine & Inspection Department) ; Abd Elkader, Sohair (Egypt. Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation. Central Administration of Preventive Medicine) ; Bayomy, Shanin (Egypt. Ministry of Agriculture and Land Reclamation. Department of Epidemiology)
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