ESHRE Clinical Embryologist certification : the first 10 years - Kovačič, Borut (University Medical Centre Maribor) ; Prados, Fernando J. ; Plas, Catherine (ESHRE Central Office) ; Woodward, Bryan J. (X&Y Fertility) ; Verheyen, Greta (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) ; Ramos, Liliana (Radboud University Medical Centre) ; Mäkinen, Sirpa (Ovumia Fertinova) ; Apter, Susanna Jamina (Livio Fertilitetscentrum) ; Vidal, Francesca (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Biologia Cel·lular, de Fisiologia i d'Immunologia) ; Ziebe, Søren (University of Copenhagen) ; Magli, M. Cristina (SISMER) ; Lundin, Kersti (Sahlgrenska University Hospital (Suècia)) ; Sunde, Arne (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) ; Plancha, Carlos E. (Universidade de Lisboa)
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