Public Insurance in Fiscal Federations : Evidence from the USA
Fleck, Johannes
Simpson-Bell, Chima
Barcelona Graduate School of Economics

Imprint: Barcelona Graduate School of Economics 2018
Description: 26 p.
Abstract: In the division of scal responsibilities between central and local governments, it is usually argued that income insurance and nequality should be dealt with by the central government. This paper explores the extent to which the US federal tax and transfer system is able to provide uniform social insurance to a prototype family in diferent states, given variations in state tax and transfer policies. We simulate the combined response of federal and state taxes and transfers to a negative pre-tax income shock, and compare the results for di erent states. We nd large di erences in the level of insurance experienced by households in diferent states, particularly for low income households, and that these diferences are mostly driven by state policies.
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Language: Anglès
Series: Barcelona Graduate School of Economics. ADEMU working paper series
Series: ADEMU Working Paper Series ; 138
Document: Working paper
Subject: Fiscal Federalism ; Insurance ; Regional Policies

Adreça original
26 p, 1.9 MB

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Research literature > Working papers

 Record created 2020-09-30, last modified 2022-10-22

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