Working papers
Compilation of documents that synthesize an original research about a concret topic in a study area with the aim of report on the state of the research. They help to discover new idees and concepts and to shape research lines specially in the social sciences and humanities areas. For example: the working papers of the Department of Economic History and Economy, Social and Political Sciences Institute or the UAB Olimpic Studies Center.
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38 p, 2.4 MB The Impact of KIBS Agglomeration on Chilean Mining Sector Productivity / Castillo-Hidalgo, Kenneth (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Economia Aplicada)
This paper aims to explore the existence and the effects of inter-sectoral agglomeration economies in a developing country like Chile, exhibiting a strong dependence on natural resources, especially mining. [...]
2024 (Working papers GEAR ; 2024-02)  
28 p, 277.7 KB Betting under subjective uncertainty / Gierlinger, Johannes (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona.) ; MOVE - Markets, Organizations and Votes in Economics
This paper shows that uncertainty-averse agents may trade extrinsic variables on efficient markets. The finding is robust to identical beliefs and strictly convex preferences. Conditional on a realization of fundamentals, the distribution of an otherwise irrelevant variable may depend on the underlying probability regime. [...]
27 p, 1023.6 KB Marcos electorales y partidistas en el 15M : evolución del discurso en Twitter / Cristancho, Camilo (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Institut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques
Las implicaciones electorales del 15M se han abordado de manera retrospectiva desde el análisis de encuestas y los resultados electorales de 2011. Estos enfoques han permitido comprender la relevancia de la política contenciosa sobre las decisiones de voto de los individuos participantes en las acciones del 15M. [...]
35 p, 1.4 MB Online mobilization and perspective taking in contentious politics / Cristancho, Camilo (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Institut de Govern i Polítiques Públiques
This article presents an approach to the intergroup contact theory focusing on the value of perspective taking as a central premise in a broad conception of democracy as it implies acknowledging conflict and having respect for political adversaries. [...]
9 p, 86.0 KB SSASA08 meeting presentation: debates on social simulation : levels and types of models / Miguel Quesada, Francisco J. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Sociologia)
A classification criterion for multi-agents based social simulation models MABSS is put forward. Then, it is used to present the contributions and main debates in the II SSASA'08 Meeting on Social Simulation and Artificial Societies Analysis which took place at the Political Sciences and Sociology Faculty of the Autonomous University of Barcelona on November 2008.
CEUR workshop proceedings, 2009, v.442  
36 p, 464.7 KB The Samurai Bond : credit supply and economic growth in pre-war Japan / Basco, Sergi (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Tang, John (Australian National University)
While credit supply growth is associated with exacerbating financial crises, its impact on long-run development is unclear. Using bond payments to samurai in nineteenth century Japan as a quasi-natural experiment and exploiting regional variation, we find that bond payments are associated with persistent redistributive effects between regions and sectors. [...]
New York : Columbia University. Center on Japanese Economy and Business, 2018 (Center on Japanese Economy and Business Working Papers ; 363) - 10.7916/D8BK2VWR  
13 p, 562.4 KB PANEL OTS 2023 : Cuestionario / Esteve-Matalí, Laura (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Pediatria, Obstetrícia i Ginecologia i Medicina Preventiva i Salut Pública) ; Carrasquer, Pilar 1957- (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Sociologia) ; Feijoo Cid, Maria (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Infermeria) ; Fernández-Cano, María Isabel (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Infermeria) ; Llorens Serrano, Clara (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Sociologia) ; Molina Romo, Óscar 1962- (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Sociologia) ; Moriña, David (Universitat de Barcelona) ; Pastor Martínez, Alberto (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Dret Públic i de Ciències Historicojurídiques) ; Portell Vidal, Mariona (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Psicobiologia i de Metodologia de Ciències de la Salut) ; Recio, Albert (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament d'Economia Aplicada) ; Salas Nicas, Sergio ; Solà Monells, Xavier (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Dret Públic i de Ciències Historicojurídiques) ; Rolando, Noelia ; Navarro Giné, Albert (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Psicobiologia i de Metodologia de Ciències de la Salut) ; Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Research group on Psychosocial risks, Organization of Work and Health (POWAH)
Barcelona : 2023  
16 p, 286.7 KB Welfare implications of the interaction between habits and consumption externalities / Alonso Carrera, Jaime (Universidad de Vigo) ; Caballé, Jordi (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Raurich, Xavier (Universitat de Girona)
We analyze the welfare properties of the equilibrium path of a growth model where both habits and consumption externalities affect the utility of consumers. Our analysis highlights the crucial role played by complementarities between externalities and habits in order to generate an inefficient dynamic equilibrium. [...]
CREA-Barcelona Economics, 2004 (CREA working paper; 125)  
26 p, 434.5 KB Intergenerational mobility, occupational decision and the distribution of wages / Alonso Carrera, Jaime (Universidad de Vigo) ; Caballé, Jordi (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Raurich, Xavier (Universitat de Barcelona)
We analyze the determinants of occupational and educational decisions in a model of dynastic altruism where individuals invest in the education of their children. We show that the relevant wage gaps that drive these two decisions are associated with the expected skill premium and the expected premium that each skill class faces when choosing a more effort-demanding occupation. [...]
Barcelona: Barcelona GSE Graduate School of Economics 2016 (GSE working paper ; 945)  
28 p, 333.0 KB Aspirations, habit formation, and bequest motive / Alonso Carrera, Jaime (Universidad de Vigo) ; Caballé, Jordi (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Raurich, Xavier (Universitat de Girona)
We analyze how the presence of endogenous preferences affects the altruistic bequest motive from parents to children. We will show that the existence of habits raises the threshold value of the intergenerational discount factor above which altruistic bequests are positive, while aspiration formation could push this value down. [...]
CREA-Barcelona Economics, 2004 (CREA working paper; 136)
CREA Centre de Referència en Economia Analítica Working Paper Series, 2004  
Focus on:
Department of Applied Economics. Working papers (217)
Department of Business. Working papers (125)
Fundamentals Unit of the Economic Analysis. Working papers (528)
Economic History Unit. Working papers (127)