A systematic review of outcome reporting in incisional hernia surgery - Harji, Deena (Northern Deanery, Newcastle Upon Tyne) ; Thomas, Christophe (Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust) ; Antoniou, Stavros A (Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust) ; Chandraratan, Harsha (Notre Dame University) ; Griffiths, B. (Newcastle Surgical Education) ; Henniford, B. T. (Division of Gastrointestinal and Minimally Invasive Surgery Carolinas Medical Center) ; Horgan, L. (Northumbria Healthcare NHSFT) ; Köckerling, F. (Vivantes Hospital) ; López-Cano, Manuel (Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron) ; Massey, Lisa (Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust) ; Miserez, M. (University Hospitals Gasthuisberg (Leuven, Bélgica)) ; Montgomery, A. (Lund University) ; Muysoms, F. (Maria Middelares) ; Poulose, B. K. (The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center) ; Reinpold, W. (Gross Sand Hospital Hamburg) ; Smart, N. (Royal Devon & Exeter NHS Foundation Trust)
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