       title = {Gestió en Logística},
      author = {Ramos González, Juan José},
        year = {2021-22},
      series = {Màster Universitari en Logística i Gestió de la Cadena de
               Subministrament / Logistics and Supply Chain Management},
    abstract = {Aquesta assignatura s'imparteix exclusivament en anglès.
               Consulteu la versió de la guia en aquesta llengua.},
    abstract = {This module has 1 course unit (CU): Decision Synthesis
               Principles and Practice in Logistics(13.5 ECTS) (Prof. Dr. habil.
               Galina Merkuryeva - Mg.Sc.ing. Jana Bikovska) After the course
               the student will: Understand, identify and analyse different
               managerial problems in logistics and supply chain management
               taking into account general management concepts, human resource
               issues, information technology capability, and economic and
               commercial aspects Be able to describe and interpret general
               concepts and methods of decision synthesis and their application
               aspects to extended LSCM problem solving Know how to select and
               employ the right techniques and tools for decision analysis and
               synthesis in logistics management Design and integrate major
               functional components and IT tools for business modelling,
               managerial decision-making and information support in LSCM Be
               able to integrate knowledge and learning experiences in logistics
               and supply chain management practices.},
    abstract = {Esta asignatura se imparte exclusivamente en inglés. Consultad
               la versión de la guía en este idioma.},
         url = {https://ddd.uab.cat/record/247298},