Web of Science: 17 citations, Scopus: 19 citations, Google Scholar: citations,
Development of an international standard set of patient-centred outcome measures for overall paediatric health : a consensus process
Algurén, Beatrix (International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurements (ICHOM))
Ramirez, Jessily P. (International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurements (ICHOM))
Salt, Matthew (International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurements (ICHOM))
Sillett, Nick (International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurements (ICHOM))
Myers, Stacie N. (International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurements (ICHOM))
Alvarez-Cote, Albie (International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurements (ICHOM))
Butcher, Nancy J. (University of Toronto)
Caneo, Luiz F. (University of Sao Paulo Medical School)
Cespedes, Jaime A. (Universidad del Rosario)
Chaplin, John E. (University of Gothenburg)
Ng, Kee Chong (KK Women & Children's Hospital, Singapore)
García-García, Juan J. (Hospital Sant Joan de Déu (Manresa))
Hazelzet, Jan A. (Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam)
Klassen, Anne F. (McMaster University (Canadà))
Turquetto, Aida Luiza R. (University of Sao Paulo Medical School)
Mew, Emma J. (The Hospital for Sick Children Research Institute, Canadà)
Morris, Michael (Sydney Children's Hospital Networks)
Offringa, Martin (University of Toronto)
O'Meara, Matthew (NSW Health, Australia)
Papp, James M. (Mindful Metrics, Ohio)
Rodrigo Gonzalo de Líria, Carlos (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Pediatria, Obstetrícia i Ginecologia i Medicina Preventiva i Salut Pública)
Switaj, Timothy L. (U.S. Army, Massachusetts)
Valencia Mayer, Catalina (Fundación CINDA - Universidad El Bosque, Bogotá)
Jenkins, Kathy J. (Boston Children's Hospital (Boston, Estats Units d'Amèrica))

Date: 2020
Abstract: To develop an Overall Pediatric Health Standard Set (OPH-SS) of outcome measures that captures what matters to young people and their families and recognising the biopsychosocial aspects of health for all children and adolescents regardless of health condition. A modified Delphi process. The International Consortium for Health Outcomes Measurement convened an international Working Group (WG) comprised of 23 international experts from 12 countries in the field of paediatrics, family medicine, psychometrics as well as patient advisors. The WG participated in 11 video-conferences, through a modified Delphi process and 9 surveys between March 2018 and January 2020 consensus was reached on a final recommended health outcome standard set. By a literature review conducted in March 2018, 1136 articles were screened for clinician and patient-reported or proxy-reported outcomes. Further, 4315 clinical trials and 12 paediatric health surveys were scanned. Between November 2019 and January 2020, the final standard set was endorsed by a patient validation (n=270) and a health professional (n=51) survey. From a total of 63 identified outcomes, consensus was formed on a standard set of outcome measures that comprises 10 patient-reported outcomes, 5 clinician-reported measures, and 6 case-mix variables. The four developmental age-specific packages (ie, 0-5, 6-12, 13-17, 18-24 years) include either five or six measures with an average time for completion of 20 min. The OPH-SS is a starting point to drive value-based paediatric healthcare delivery from a global perspective for enhancing child and adolescent physical health and psychosocial well-being.
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Language: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Published in: Archives of Disease in Childhood, Vol. 106 (december 2020) , p. 868-876, ISSN 1468-2044

DOI: 10.1136/archdischild-2020-320345
PMID: 33310707

9 p, 277.6 KB

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Articles > Research articles
Articles > Published articles

 Record created 2022-02-07, last modified 2023-10-01

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