Web of Science: 11 citations, Scopus: 12 citations, Google Scholar: citations,
Assessment of fluralaner as a treatment in controlling Dermanyssus gallinae infestation on commercial layer farms and the potential for resulting benefits of improved bird welfare and productivity
Petersen, Ivo (MSD Animal Health Innovation)
Johannhörster, Katharina (Praxis Dr. Pöppel)
Pagot, Eric (Centre Technique Des Productions Animales. Zoopole Dévelopment)
Escribano Tortosa, Damián (Universidad de Murcia. Departamento de Producción Animal)
Zschiesche, Eva (MSD Animal Health Innovation)
Temple, Déborah (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Ciència Animal i dels Aliments)
Thomas, Emmanuel (MSD Animal Health Innovation)

Date: 2021
Abstract: Poultry red mite (PRM) (Dermanyssus gallinae) infestations are a cause of anaemia, impaired productivity and stress-related behaviours linked to reduced hen welfare. A study investigated the potential health, welfare and productivity benefits following fluralaner treatment to eliminate PRM from infested hens. A PRM-infested layer house was selected on a free-range farm (5400 hens) and an aviary farm (42,400 hens). Fluralaner (Exzolt ® ; 0. 5 mg/kg body weight) was administered twice, 7 days apart (Weeks 0 and 1), via drinking water. Mite populations were monitored by traps. Cameras recorded nighttime hen behaviours weekly, pre- and post-treatment. On the free-range farm, daytime behaviours were also recorded weekly. For pre- and post-treatment corticosterone assessments, eggs were randomly collected on both farms, and blood samples were collected from 50 randomly selected aviary farm hens. Production parameters were assessed using farm records. Throughout the post-treatment period, fluralaner efficacy against PRM was > 99% on both farms. On the aviary and free-range farms, treatment was followed by significant nighttime increases in the proportion of resting hens (P < 0. 0001; P = 0. 0175, respectively). Significant post-treatment versus pre-treatment nighttime reductions were observed in head shaking (aviary, P < 0. 0001; free-range P = 0. 0233) and preening (P = 0. 0032; P = 0. 0018) and on the aviary farm in bouts of body shaking (P = 0. 0108), vertical wing shaking (P = 0. 0002), head scratching (P = 0. 0335), and gentle feather pecking (P < 0. 0001). On the free-range farm there were significant daytime reductions in head scratching (P < 0. 0001), head shaking (P = 0. 0492) and preening (P = 0. 0012). Relative to standard production parameters, no differences were detected on the aviary farm, but on the free-range farm the laying rate decline with increasing age was less than expected and the increase in egg weight greater than expected. Post-treatment increases in egg and plasma corticosterone were suggestive of stress factors in addition to mite infestation. Red blood cell counts and haematocrit increased following treatment. Fluralaner treatment eliminated mite challenge, leading to improved hen welfare and health, based on reductions in stress-related behaviours and restoration of the anaemia-inducing effects of mite blood feeding.
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Language: Anglès
Document: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Subject: Dermanyssus gallinae ; Fluralaner ; Hen welfare ; Hen health ; Isoxazoline ; Poultry red mite ; Layer hens
Published in: Parasites & vectors, Vol. 14 (march 2021) , ISSN 1756-3305

DOI: 10.1186/s13071-021-04685-7
PMID: 33789728

10 p, 1.1 MB

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Articles > Research articles
Articles > Published articles

 Record created 2022-02-20, last modified 2024-07-24

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