The Current Situation Regarding Long-Acting Insulin Analogues Including Biosimilars Among African, Asian, European, and South American Countries; Findings and Implications for the Future - Godman, Brian (Universiti Sains Malaysia) ; Haque, Mainul (Universiti Pertahanan Nasional Malaysia) ; Leong, Trudy (South African National Department of Health) ; Allocati, Eleonora (Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri" IRCCS) ; Kumar, Santosh (Karnavati University. Department of Periodontology and Implantology) ; Islam, Salequl (Jahangirnagar University. Department of Microbiology) ; Charan, Jaykaran (All India Institute of Medical Sciences (Nova Delhi, Índia)) ; Akter, Farhana (Chittagong Medical College) ; Kurdi, Amanj (Hawler Medical University) ; Vassalo, Carlos (Universidad Nacional del Litoral. Facultad de Ciencias Médicas) ; Bakar, Muhammed Abu (Chattogram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College) ; Rahim, Sagir Abdur (Bangladesh Institute of Research and Rehabilitation in Diabetes) ; Sultana, Nusrat (Bangabandhu Sheik Mujib Medical University Hospital) ; Deeba, Farzana (Bangabandhu Sheik Mujib Medical University) ; Khan, M. A. Halim (Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital) ; Alam, A. B. M. Muksudul (Shaheed Suhrawardy Medical College Hospital) ; Jahan, Iffat (Eastern Medical College (Bangladesh)) ; Kamal, Zubair Mahmood (National Institute of Mental Health (Bangladesh)) ; Hasin, Humaira (St Helier University Hospitals) ; Murshid, Munzur-E. (Handicap International (Bangladesh). Women's Integrated Sexual Health (WISH)) ; Nahar, Shamsun (Jahangirnagar University) ; Haque, Monami (Human Resource Department Rupayan Center) ; Dutta, Siddhartha (All India Institute of Medical Sciences (Nova Delhi, Índia)) ; Abhayanand, Jha Pallavi (All India Institute of Medical Sciences (Nova Delhi, Índia)) ; Kaur, Rimple Jeet (All India Institute of Medical Sciences (Nova Delhi, Índia)) ; Rwegerera, Godfrey Mutashambara (University of Botswana) ; do Nascimento, Renata Cristina Rezende Macedo (Federal University of Ouro Preto) ; Dias Godói, Isabella Piassi (Universidade Federal do Sul e Sudeste do Pará) ; Irfan, Mohammed (Universidade Federal de Pelotas. Faculdade de Odontologia) ; Amu, Adefolarin A. (Eswatini Medical Christian University) ; Matowa, Patrick (Eswatini Medical Christian University) ; Acolatse, Joseph (Cape Coast Teaching Hospital) ; Incoom, Robert (Cape Coast Teaching Hospital) ; Sefah, Israel Abebrese (Department of Pharmacy Practise University of Health and Allied Sciences) ; Acharya, Jitendra (Department of Dentistry, SP Medical College) ; Opanga, Sylvia (University of Nairobi) ; Njeri, Lisper Wangeci (Kenyatta National Hospital) ; Kimonge, David (University of Nairobi) ; Kwon, Hye-Young (Mokwon University) ; Bae, SeungJin (Ewha Woman's University) ; Khuan, Karen Koh Pek (Friends'Pharmacy Pekan Sg Besi 42G) ; Abubakar, Abdullahi Rabiu (Bayero University) ; Sani, Ibrahim Haruna (Yusuf Maitama Sule University) ; Khan, Tanveer Ahmed (National Institute of Health) ; Hussain, Shahzad (National Institute of Health) ; Saleem, Zikria (The University of Lahore) ; Malande, Oliver Ombeva (East Africa Centre for Vaccines and Immunisation) ; Piloya-Were, Thereza (Makerere University) ; Gambogi, Rosana (National Resources Fund) ; Hernandez Ortiz, Carla (National Resources Fund) ; Alutuli, Luke (University Teaching Hospital Group. Department of Pharmacy) ; Kalungia, Aubrey Chichonyi (University of Zambia) ; Hoxha, Iris (University of Medicine) ; Marković-Peković, Vanda (University of Banja Luka) ; Tubic, Biljana (University of Banja Luka) ; Petrova, Guenka (Medical University of Sofia (Sofia, Bulgària)) ; Tachkov, Konstantin (Medical University of Sofia (Sofia, Bulgària)) ; Laius, Ott (State Agency of Medicines) ; Harsanyi, András (Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetem) ; Inotai, András (Semmelweis University. Center of Health Technology Assessment) ; Jakupi, Arianit (UBT Higher Education Institute) ; Henkuzens, Svens ; Garuoliene, Kristina (Vilnius University (Vilnius, Lituània)) ; Gulbinovič, Jolanta (Vilnius University (Vilnius, Lituània)) ; Wladysiuk, Magdalena (HTA Consulting) ; Rutkowski, Jakub (HTA Consulting) ; Mardare, Ileana ("Carol Davila" University of Medicine and Pharmacy Bucharest) ; Fürst, Jurij (Health Insurance Institute) ; McTaggart, Stuart (Public Health Scotland) ; MacBride-Stewart, Sean (Greater Glasgow and Clyde) ; Pontes García, Caridad (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Farmacologia, de Terapèutica i de Toxicologia) ; Zara, Corinne (Servei Català de la Salut) ; Tagoe, Eunice Twumwaa (University of Strathclyde) ; Banzi, Rita (Istituto di Ricerche Farmacologiche "Mario Negri" IRCCS) ; Wale, Janney (Independent Consumer Advocate) ; Jakovljevic, Mihajlo (Hosei University Tokyo)
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