Arctic-adapted dogs emerged at the Pleistocene-Holocene transition - Sinding, Mikkel-Holger S. (University of Copenhagen. The GLOBE Institute) ; Gopalakrishnan, Shyam (University of Copenhagen. The GLOBE Institute) ; Ramos-Madrigal, Jazmín (University of Copenhagen. The GLOBE Institute) ; de Manuel, Marc (Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (UPF-CSIC) (Barcelona)) ; Pitulko, Vladimir (Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture) ; Kuderna, Lukas (Institut de Biologia Evolutiva (UPF-CSIC) (Barcelona)) ; Feuerborn, Tatiana (University of Copenhagen. The GLOBE Institute) ; Frantz, Laurent (University of Oxford. The Palaeogenomics and Bio-Archaeology Research Network) ; Garrett Vieira, Filipe (University of Copenhagen. The GLOBE Institute) ; Niemann, Jonas (University of Copenhagen. The GLOBE Institute) ; Samaniego Castruita, José Alfredo (University of Copenhagen. The GLOBE Institute) ; Carøe, Christian (University of Copenhagen. The GLOBE Institute) ; Andersen-Ranberg, Emilie Ulrikka (University of Greenland. The Qimmeq Project) ; Jordan, Peter (University of Groningen. Arctic Centre and Groningen Institute of Archaeology) ; Pavlova, Elena (Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute (St. Petersburg, Russia)) ; Nikolskiy, Pavel (Russian Academy of Sciences. Geological Institute) ; Kasparov, Aleksei (Russian Academy of Sciences. Institute for the History of Material Culture) ; Ivanova, Varvara (VNIIOkeangeologia Research Institute) ; Willerslev, Eske (University of Copenhagen. The GLOBE Institute) ; Skoglund, Pontus (Harvard Medical School. Department of Genetics) ; Fredholm, Merete (University of Copenhagen. Department of Veterinary and Animal Sciences) ; Wennerberg, Sanne Eline (Government of Greenland. Ministry of Fisheries, Hunting and Agriculture) ; Heide-Jørgensen, Mads Peter (Greenland Institute of Natural Resources) ; Dietz, Rune (Aarhus University. Department of Bioscience) ; Sonne, Christian (University of Greenland. The Qimmeq Project) ; Meldgaard, Morten (University of Copenhagen. The GLOBE Institute) ; Dalén, Love (Centre for Palaeogenetics) ; Larson, Greger (University of Oxford. The Palaeogenomics and Bio-Archaeology Research Network) ; Petersen, Bent (University of Copenhagen. The GLOBE Institute) ; Sicheritz-Ponten, Thomas (AIMST University (Malàisia). Centre of Excellence for Omics-Driven Computational Biodiscovery) ; Bachmann, Lutz (University of Oslo. Natural History Museum) ; Wiig, Øystein (University of Oslo. Natural History Museum) ; Marques-Bonet, Tomas 1975- (Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont) ; Hansen, Anders Johannes (University of Copenhagen. The GLOBE Institute) ; Gilbert, M. Thomas P. (University of Copenhagen. The GLOBE Institute)
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