La acotación como texto : con ejemplos de Lope de Vega
Pontón, Gonzalo (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Imprint: Venezia : Edizioni Ca' Foscari , 2018
Abstract: The comparison between Lope de Vega's autograph stage directions and the corresponding printed versions in his Partes de comedias shows significant textual differences, which demonstrate at least two important facts: 1) the textual instability of the stage directions - copyists and compositors don't see the stage directions as texts to be copied literally and in their integrity, and 2) the existence of a pattern of intervention by the printers, with the purpose of adapting the stage directions to the act of reading, in different and not always systematic ways. This paper tackles these issues, tries to delineate the specific problems raised by the editing of stage directions, and suggests some lines of action.
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Language: Castellà
Document: Capítol de llibre
Subject: Stage directions ; Textual studies ; Editorial criteria ; Lope de Vega ; Holograph manuscripts ; Printed plays
Published in: "Entra el editor y dice": ecdótica y acotaciones teatrales (siglos XVI y XVII), 2018, p. 69-90

22 p, 205.1 KB

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Books and collections > Book chapters

 Record created 2022-10-18, last modified 2022-10-21

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