JUST2CE. A Just Transitation to the Circular Econonomy : Data Management Plan
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona

Edició: 1st version
Data: 2022
Descripció: 18 pag.
Resum: This Data Management Plan (DMP) defines the data management policies that are followed during the execution of JUST2CE project and provides an overview of all the datasets that are collected and generated. It describes the types of data that are collected, processed or generated, how the data is handled during and after the project and the measures that are taken to ensure that the data collected or generated follows the FAIR principles of EU Horizon 2020 projects, ensuring that the data is finable, accessible, interoperable and reusable. The plan discusses the used metadata standards and identifiers, repositories for making the data available as well as quality assurance methods and reusability. JUST2CE will participate in the Horizon 2020 Open Research Data Pilot, meaning that the partners are committed to give open access to the research data generated, following the as 'open as possible, as closed as necessary' -principle. The DMP is a living document and it will be updated when significant changes are taking place that affect the type or handling of the data. Updated DMP will be submitted on month 36. JUST2CE aims at understanding, in critical and thoughtful way, under which conditions a responsible, inclusive and social just transition to a circular economy is possible and desirable, what technical, political and social factors can enable or hamper such transformation and how these aspects can contribute to the development of transitional policy measures. The project will identify enablers and barriers to CE in a number of key strategic sectors. The results of this analysis will be used to develop a decision support system and macroeconomic analytical tools to design new or improve existing CE practices.
Ajuts: European Commission 101003491
Drets: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons en que s'entrega l'obra al domini públic. Podeu copiar, modificar, distribuir l'obra i fer-ne comunicació pública, fins i tot amb finalitat comercial, sense demanar cap mena de permís. Public domain
Llengua: Anglès
Document: Pla de gestió de dades

18 p, 312.6 KB

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Documents de recerca > Plans de gestió de dades (PGD)

 Registre creat el 2023-10-09, darrera modificació el 2024-02-27

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