Global maps of soil temperature - Lembrechts, Jonas J (University of Antwerp) ; van den Hoogen, Johan (ETH Zürich) ; Aalto, J. (University of Helsinki) ; Ashcroft, M.B. (Australian Museum) ; De Frenne, Pieter (Ghent University) ; Kemppinen, J. (University of Oulu) ; Kopecký, M. (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague) ; Luoto, Miska (University of Helsinki) ; Maclean, I.M.D. (University of Exeter) ; Crowther, T.W. (ETH Zürich) ; Bailey, J.J. (York St John University) ; Haesen, Stef (KU Leuven) ; Klinges, D.H. (Smithsonian Environmental Research Center) ; Niittynen, P. (University of Helsinki) ; Scheffers, B.R. (University of Florida) ; Van Meerbeek, Koenraad (KU Leuven) ; Aartsma, P. (University of South-Eastern Norway) ; Abdalaze, O. (Ilia State University) ; Abedi, Mehdi (Tarbiat Modares University) ; Aerts, R. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Ahmadian, N. (Tarbiat Modares University) ; Ahrends, A. (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh) ; Alatalo, Juha M (Qatar University) ; Alexander, Jake M (ETH Zurich) ; Allonsius, C.N. (University of Antwerp) ; Altman, J. (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague) ; Ammann, C. (Agroscope Research Institute) ; Andres, C. (ETH Zurich) ; Andrews, C. (UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) ; Ardö, J. (Lund University) ; Arriga, Nicola (European Commission. Joint Research Centre) ; Arzac, A. (Siberian Federal University) ; Aschero, V. (Instituto Argentino de Nivologiá, Glaciologiá y Ciencias Ambientales) ; Assis, R.L. (University of Oslo) ; Assmann, J.J. (Aarhus University) ; Bader, M.Y. (University of Marburg) ; Bahalkeh, Khadijeh (Tarbiat Modares University) ; Barančok, P. (Institute of Landscape Ecology Slovak Academy of Sciences) ; Barrio, I.C. (Agricultural University of Iceland) ; Barros, Agustina (Instituto Argentino de Nivologiá, Glaciologiá y Ciencias Ambientales) ; Barthel, M. (ETH Zurich) ; Basham, E.W. (University of Florida) ; Bauters, Marijn (Ghent University) ; Bazzichetto, M. (Université de Rennes) ; Belelli Marchesini, Luca (Fondazione Edmund Mach) ; Bell, M.C. (Forest Research. Alice Holt Lodge) ; Benavides, J.C. (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana) ; Benito Alonso, J.L. (Jolube Consultor Botánico) ; Berauer, B.J. (University of Bayreuth) ; Bjerke, J.W. (Norwegian Institute for Nature Research) ; Björk, R.G. (Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre) ; Björkman, M.P. (Gothenburg Global Biodiversity Centre) ; Björnsdóttir, K. (University of Gothenburg) ; Blonder, Benjamin (University of California) ; Boeckx, Pascal (Ghent University) ; Boike, J. (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin) ; Bokhorst, S. (Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) ; Brum, B.N.S. (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia) ; Brůna, Josef (Czech Academy of Sciences) ; Buchmann, Nina (ETH Zurich) ; Buysse, P. (Université Paris Saclay) ; Campana Camargo, José Luís (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia) ; Campoe, O.C. (Federal University of Lavras) ; Candan, O. (Ordu University) ; Canessa, R. (University of Tübingen) ; Cannone, N. (Insubria University) ; Carbognani, Michele (University of Parma) ; Carnicer Cols, Jofre (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals) ; Casanova-Katny, A. (Universidad Católica de Temuco) ; Cesarz, S. (Leipzig University) ; Chojnicki, B. (Poznan University of Life Sciences) ; Choler, P. (Université Grenoble Alpes) ; Chown, S.L. (Monash University) ; Cifuentes, E.F. (University of Cambridge) ; Čiliak, Marek (Technical University in Zvolen) ; Contador, T. (Cape Horn International Center) ; Convey, P. (British Antarctic Survey) ; Cooper, Elisabeth J (UiT-The Arctic University of Norway) ; Cremonese, Edoardo (Environmental Protection Agency of Aosta Valley) ; Curasi, S.R. (University of Notre Dame) ; Curtis, R. (University of Exeter) ; Cutini, M. (University of Roma Tre) ; Dahlberg, C.J. (The County Administrative Board of Västra Götaland) ; Daskalova, G.N. (University of Edinburgh) ; de Pablo, M.A. (Universidad de Alcalá) ; Della Chiesa, S. (Technische Universität Dresden) ; Dengler, J. (University of Bayreuth) ; Deronde, B. (VITO-TAP) ; Descombes, Patrice (Swiss Federal Research Institute) ; Di Cecco, V. (Majella Seed Bank) ; Di Musciano, M. (University of L'Aquila) ; Dick, J. (UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) ; Dimarco, R.D. (University of Houston) ; Dolezal, J. (University of South Bohemia) ; Dorrepaal, E. (Umeå University) ; Dušek, J. (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) ; Eisenhauer, N. (Leipzig University) ; Eklundh, L. (Lund University) ; Erickson, T.E. (Kings Park Science) ; Erschbamer, B. (University of Innsbruck) ; Eugster, W. (ETH Zurich) ; Ewers, R.M. (Imperial College London) ; Exton, D.A. (Operation Wallacea) ; Fanin, N. (Bordeaux Sciences Agro) ; Fazlioglu, Fatih (Ordu University) ; Feigenwinter, I. (ETH Zurich) ; Fenu, G. (University of Cagliari) ; Ferlian, O. (Leipzig University) ; Fernández Calzado, M.R. (Universidad de Granada) ; Fernández-Pascual, E. (Universidad de Oviedo) ; Finckh, M. (University of Hamburg) ; Higgens, R.F. (Dartmouth College) ; Forte, T.G.W. (University of Parma) ; Freeman, E.C. (University of Cambridge) ; Frei, E.R. (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research) ; Fuentes-Lillo, E. (Universidad Adventista de Chile) ; García, R.A. (Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad) ; García, M.B. (Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología - CSIC) ; Géron, C. (University of Liège) ; Gharun, Mana (ETH Zurich) ; Ghosn, D. (Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania) ; Gigauri, K. (Georgian Institute of Public Affairs) ; Gobin, A. (KU Leuven) ; Goded, I. (European Commission. Joint Research Centre) ; Goeckede, M. (Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry) ; Gottschall, F. (Leipzig University) ; Goulding, K. (Rothamsted Research) ; Govaert, S. (Ghent University) ; Graae, B.J. (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) ; Greenwood, S. (University of Edinburgh) ; Greiser, C. (Stockholm University) ; Grelle, Achim (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) ; Guénard, B. (The University of Hong Kong) ; Guglielmin, M. (Insubria University) ; Guillemot, J. (Université Montpellier) ; Haase, P. (University of Duisburg-Essen) ; Haider, S. (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg) ; Halbritter, A.H. (University of Bergen) ; Hamid, M. (University of Kashmir) ; Hammerle, A. (University of Innsbruck) ; Hampe, A. (Université Bordeaux) ; Haugum, S.V. (The Heathland Centre) ; Hederová, L. (Czech Academy of Sciences) ; Heinesch, B. (University of Liege) ; Helfter, Carole (UK Centre for Ecology and Hydrology) ; Hepenstrick, D. (University of Applied Sciences) ; Herberich, M. (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna) ; Herbst, M. (German Meteorological Service) ; Hermanutz, L. (Memorial University) ; Hik, D.S. (Simon Fraser University) ; Hoffrén, R. (Universidad de Zaragoza) ; Homeier, J. (Georg-August University of Göttingen) ; Hörtnagl, L. (ETH Zurich) ; Høye, T.T. (Aarhus University) ; Hrbacek, F. (Masaryk University) ; Hylander, K. (Stockholm University) ; Iwata, H. (Shinshu University) ; Jackowicz-Korczynski, M.A. (Aarhus University) ; Jactel, H. (Université de Bordeaux) ; Järveoja, J. (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) ; Jastrzębowski, S. (Forest Research Institute) ; Jentsch, A. (Bayreuth Center of Ecology and Environmental Research) ; Jiménez, J.J. (Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología) ; Jónsdóttir, I.S. (University of Iceland) ; Jucker, T. (University of Bristol) ; Jump, A.S. (University of Stirling) ; Juszczak, R. (Poznan University of Life Sciences) ; Kanka, R. (Institute of Landscape Ecology Slovak Academy of Sciences) ; Kašpar, V. (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague) ; Kazakis, G. (Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Chania) ; Kelly, J. (Lund University) ; Khuroo, A.A. (University of Kashmir) ; Klemedtsson, L. (University of Gothenburg) ; Klisz, M. (Forest Research Institute) ; Kljun, N. (Lund University) ; Knohl, A. (University of Göttingen) ; Kobler, J. (Environment Agency Austria) ; Kollár, J. (Institute of Landscape Ecology Slovak Academy of Sciences) ; Kotowska, M.M. (Georg-August University of Göttingen) ; Kovács, B. (Institute of Ecology and Botany) ; Kreyling, Juergen (University of Greifswald) ; Lamprecht, A. (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) ; Lang, S.I. (The University Centre in Svalbard) ; Larson, C. (Montana State University) ; Larson, K. (Umeå University) ; Laska, K. (University of South Bohemia) ; le Maire, G. (Université de Montpellier) ; Leihy, R.I. (Monash University) ; Lens, L. (Ghent University) ; Liljebladh, B. (University of Gothenburg) ; Lohila, A. (University of Helsinki) ; Lorite, J. (Universidad de Granada) ; Loubet, B. (Université Paris Saclay) ; Lynn, J. (University of Bergen) ; Macek, Martin (Czech Academy of Sciences) ; Mackenzie, R. (Universidad Austral de Chile) ; Magliulo, E. (Institute for Agricultural and Forestry Systems in the Mediterranean) ; Maier, R. (ETH Zurich) ; Malfasi, F. (Insubria University) ; Máliš, F. (Technical University in Zvolen) ; Man, M. (Czech Academy of Sciences) ; Manca, Giovanni (European Commission. Joint Research Centre) ; Manco, A. (Institute for Agricultural and Forestry Systems in the Mediterranean) ; Manise, T. (University of Liege) ; Manolaki, P. (Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies) ; Marciniak, F. (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia) ; Matula, R. (Mendel University in Brno) ; Mazzolari, A.C. (Instituto Argentino de Nivologiá, Glaciologiá y Ciencias Ambientales) ; Medinets, S. (NGO New Energy) ; Medinets, V. (Mechnikov University) ; Meeussen, C. (Ghent University) ; Merinero, S. (Stockholm University) ; Mesquita, R.d.C.G. (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia) ; Meusburger, Katrin (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research) ; Meysman, F.J.R. (University of Antwerp) ; Michaletz, Sean T (University of British Columbia) ; Milbau, A. (Province of Antwerp) ; Moiseev, D. (Russian Academy of Science) ; Moiseev, P. (Russian Academy of Science) ; Mondoni, A. (University of Pavia) ; Monfries, R. (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh) ; Montagnani, Leonardo (Free University of Bolzano) ; Moriana-Armendariz, M. (UiT-The Arctic University of Norway) ; Morra di Cella, U. (Environmental Protection Agency of Aosta Valley) ; Mörsdorf, M. (University of Freiburg) ; Mosedale, J.R. (University of Exeter) ; Muffler, Lena (Georg-August University of Göttingen) ; Muñoz-Rojas, M. (Universidad de Sevilla) ; Myers, J.A. (Washington University in St. Louis) ; Myers-Smith, I. H (University of Edinburgh) ; Nagy, L. (University of Campinas) ; Nardino, M. (Institute of BioEconomy) ; Naujokaitis-Lewis, I. (Carleton University) ; Newling, E. (Deakin University) ; Nicklas, L. (University of Innsbruck) ; Niedrist, G. (Eurac Research) ; Niessner, A. (University of Hohenheim) ; Nilsson, M.B. (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) ; Normand, S. (Aarhus University) ; Nosetto, M.D. (Cátedra de Climatología Agrícola) ; Nouvellon, Y. (Université de Montpellier) ; Nuñez, M.A. (Universidad Nacional del Comahue) ; Ogaya Inurrigarro, Romà (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals) ; Ogée, J. (Bordeaux Sciences Agro) ; Okello, J. (Mbarara Zonal Agricultural Research and Development Institute) ; Olejnik, J. (Poznan University of Life Sciences) ; Olesen, J.E. (Aarhus University) ; Opedal, Ø.H. (Lund University) ; Orsenigo, S. (University of Pavia) ; Palaj, A. (Institute of Landscape Ecology Slovak Academy of Sciences) ; Pampuch, T. (University Greifswald) ; Panov, A.V. (V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest) ; Pärtel, Meelis (University of Tartu) ; Pastor, A. (Aarhus University) ; Pauchard, A. (Instituto de Ecología y Biodiversidad) ; Pauli, H. (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) ; Pavelka, M. (Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic) ; Pearse, W.D. (Imperial College) ; Peichl, M. (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) ; Pellissier, L. (Swiss Federal Research Institute) ; Penczykowski, R.M. (Washington University in St. Louis) ; Peñuelas, Josep (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals) ; Petit Bon, M. (The University Centre in Svalbard) ; Petraglia, Alessandro (University of Parma) ; Phartyal, S.S. (Nalanda University) ; Phoenix, G.K. (University of Sheffield) ; Pio, C. (University of Aveiro) ; Pitacco, A. (University of Padua) ; Pitteloud, C. (Swiss Federal Research Institute) ; Plichta, Roman (Mendel University in Brno) ; Porro, F. (University of Pavia) ; Portillo-Estrada, Miguel (University of Antwerp) ; Poulenard, J. (Université Savoie Mont Blanc) ; Poyatos, Rafael (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals) ; Prokushkin, A.S. (V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest) ; Puchalka, R. (Nicolaus Copernicus University) ; Pușcaș, M. (Babeș-Bolyai University) ; Radujković, D. (University of Antwerp) ; Randall, K. (University of Wollongong) ; Ratier Backes, A. (Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg) ; Remmele, S. (University of Hohenheim) ; Remmers, W. (University of Applied Sciences Trier) ; Renault, D. (Institut Universitaire de France) ; Risch, A.C. (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research) ; Rixen, C. (Climate Change, Extremes and Natural Hazards in Alpine Regions Research Center) ; Robinson, S.A. (University of Wollongong) ; Robroek, Bjorn J. M (Radboud University Nijmegen) ; Rocha, A.V. (University of Notre Dame) ; Rossi, C. (University of Zurich) ; Rossi, G. (University of Pavia) ; Roupsard, O. (Centre IRD-ISRA de Bel Air) ; Rubtsov, A.V. (Siberian Federal University) ; Saccone, P. (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) ; Sagot, C. (Parc national des Ecrins - Domaine de Charance) ; Sallo Bravo, J. (Centro de Investigación de la Biodiversidad Wilhelm L. Johannsen) ; Santos, C.C. (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia) ; Sarneel, J.M. (Umeå University) ; Scharnweber, T. (University Greifswald) ; Schmeddes, J. (University of Greifswald) ; Schmidt, M. (Forschungszentrum Jülich GmbH) ; Scholten, T. (University of Tuebingen) ; Schuchardt, M. (University of Bayreuth) ; Schwartz, N. (The University of British Columbia) ; Scott, T. (Rothamsted Research) ; Seeber, J. (Institute for Alpine Environment) ; Segalin de Andrade, A.C. (Instituto Nacional de Pesquisas da Amazônia) ; Seipel, T. (Montana State University) ; Semenchuk, P. (Biodiversity Research) ; Senior, R.A. (Princeton University) ; Serra Díaz, Josep M (Université de Lorraine) ; Sewerniak, P. (Nicolaus Copernicus University) ; Shekhar, A. (ETH Zurich) ; Sidenko, N.V. (V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS) ; Siebicke, L. (University of Göttingen) ; Siegwart Collier, L. (Parks Canada Agency) ; Simpson, E. (Utah State University) ; Siqueira, D.P. (Universidade Estadual do Norte Fluminense Darcy Ribeiro) ; Sitková, Zuzana (Forest Research Institute Zvolen) ; Six, J. (ETH Zurich) ; Smiljanic, M. (University Greifswald) ; Smith, S.W. (Stockholm University) ; Smith-Tripp, S. (University of British Columbia) ; Somers, B. (Department of Earth and Environmental Sciences) ; Sørensen, M.V. (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) ; Souza, J.J.L.L. (Federal University of Viçosa) ; Souza, B.I. (Universidade Federal da Paraíba) ; Souza Dias, A. (Goethe-Universität Frankfurt) ; Spasojevic, M (University of California Riverside) ; Speed, J.D.M. (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) ; Spicher, F. (Université de Picardie Jules Verne) ; Stanisci, A. (Università degli Studi del Molise) ; Steinbauer, K. (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) ; Steinbrecher, R. (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology) ; Steinwandter, M. (Institute for Alpine Environment. Eurac Research) ; Stemkovski, M. (Utah State University) ; Stephan, J.G. (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) ; Stiegler, C. (University of Göttingen) ; Stoll, S. (University Duisburg-Essen) ; Svátek, M. (Mendel University in Brno) ; Svoboda, M. (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague) ; Tagesson, T. (University of Copenhagen) ; Tanentzap, Andrew J (University of Cambridge) ; Tanneberger, F. (University of Greifswald) ; Theurillat, J.P. (Université de Genève) ; Thomas, Haydn J.D (University of Edinburgh) ; Thomas, A.D. (Aberystwyth University) ; Tielbörger, K. (University of Tübingen) ; Tomaselli, M. (University of Parma) ; Treier, U.A. (Aarhus University) ; Trouillier, M. (University Greifswald) ; Turtureanu, P.D. (Babeș-Bolyai University) ; Tutton, R. (Queen's University) ; Tyystjärvi, V.A. (Finnish Meteorological Inst) ; Ueyama, M. (Osaka Prefecture University) ; Ujházy, K. (Technical University in Zvolen) ; Ujházyová, Mariana (Technical University in Zvolen) ; Uogintas, Domas (Nature Research Centre) ; Urban, A.V. (V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest) ; Urban, J. (Mendel University in Brno) ; Urbaniak, M. (Poznan University of Life Sciences) ; Ursu, T.M. (Institute of Biological Research Cluj-Napoca) ; Vaccari, F.P. (Institute for BioEconomy) ; Van de Vondel, S. (University of Antwerp) ; van den Brink, L. (University of Tübingen) ; Van Geel, M. (KU Leuven) ; Vandvik, Vigdis (University of Bergen) ; Vangansbeke, Pieter (Ghent University) ; Varlagin, Andrej (Russian Academy of Sciences) ; Veen, G.F. (Netherlands Institute of Ecology) ; Veenendaal, E. (Wageningen University) ; Venn, S. E (Deakin University) ; Verbeeck, H. (Ghent University) ; Verbruggen, Erik (University of Antwerp) ; Verheijen, F.G.A. (University of Aveiro) ; Villar, L. (Instituto Pirenaico de Ecología) ; Vitale, L. (Institute for Agricultural and Forestry Systems in the Mediterranean) ; Vittoz, P. (University of Lausanne) ; Vives Ingla, Maria (Centre de Recerca Ecològica i d'Aplicacions Forestals) ; von Oppen, J. (Aarhus University) ; Walz, J. (Umeå University) ; Wang, R. (The University of Hong Kong) ; Wang, Y. (Queen's University) ; Way, R.G. (Queen's University) ; Wedegärtner, R.E.M. (Norwegian University of Science and Technology) ; Weigel, Robert (Georg-August University of Göttingen) ; Wild, J. (Czech University of Life Sciences Prague) ; Wilkinson, M. (Forest Research. Alice Holt Lodge) ; Wilmking, Martin (University Greifswald) ; Wingate, L. (Bordeaux Sciences Agro) ; Winkler, M. (University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences) ; Wipf, S. (Swiss National Park) ; Wohlfahrt, Georg (University of Innsbruck) ; Xenakis, G. (Forest Research. Northern Research Station) ; Yang, Y. (Chinese Academy of Sciences) ; Yu, Z. (Lehigh University) ; Yu, Kailiang (Princeton University) ; Zellweger, Florian (Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research) ; Zhang, J. (East China Normal University) ; Zhang, Z. (East China Normal University) ; Zhao, P. (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences) ; Ziemblińska, K. (Poznan University of Life Sciences) ; Zimmermann, R. (University of Bayreuth) ; Zong, Shengwei (Northeast Normal University) ; Zyryanov, V.I. (V.N. Sukachev Institute of Forest SB RAS) ; Nijs, I. (University of Antwerp) ; Lenoir, Jonathan (Université de Picardie Jules Verne)
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