Our famous friend : analysing Charles Dickens as a pioneering (literary) celebrity in Matthew Pearl's the last Dickens (2009)
Viera, José (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

Publicació: Cambridge Scholars Publishing, 2018
Resum: Over 200 years since his birth, Charles Dickens continues to enjoy a ubiquitous presence in the literary canon. While his works have clearly stood the test of time, Dickens' persistent popularity also stems from his pioneering handling of stardom; an aspect that Pearl chronicles in great detail in The Last Dickens. Drawing extensively on biographical information, Pearl illuminates Dickens' association with an ambivalent American audience and the strategies by which he navigated fame. In so doing, he provides readers with numerous glimpses into a man who, despite his struggles, manages to build a game-changing example of celebrity etiquette. The novel heralds Dickens as a key precursor of present-day celebrities and blurs the barrier between past and present, thus proving that, at heart, Dickens remains very much our contemporary.
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Llengua: Anglès
Document: Capítol de llibre
Publicat a: Persistence and Resistance in English Studies. New Research, 2018, p. 73-82, ISBN 978-1-5275-0608-4

10 p, 217.8 KB

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