Home > Books and collections > Book chapters > "A breathtaking adventure : |
Imprint: | University of Huddersfield Press, 2010 |
Abstract: | During the five years spent with Schoenberg, Gerhard went on a true adventure in a personal and creative way. This paper explores this period from a broad perspective. In the first section, I will attempt to clarify the reasons that led him to choose to continue his studies under Schoenberg. This decision seems particularly relevant as it was unusual for a composer from Spain (a country so much under French influence in musical matters at that time). A close study of the lessons under Schoenberg will reveal crucial aspects such as the methodology employed and the particular technical and composing procedures that Gerhard received from him. Finally, I will try to make clear how and to what extent the Austrian composer passed on to Gerhard some of his aesthetic principles. In summation, it is crucial to understand the details of Gerhard's musical studies under Schonberg, as they are the foundations for the majority of his personal style and musical aesthetic. |
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Language: | Anglès |
Document: | Capítol de llibre |
Published in: | Proceedings of the 1st International Roberto Gerhard Conference may 27-28th 2010, 2010, p. 137-151, ISBN 978-1-86218-088-8 |
15 p, 3.6 MB |
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Books and collections > Book chapters