TDEP : Temperature Dependent Effective Potentials - Knoop, Florian (Linköping University) ; Shulumba, Nina (Linköping University) ; Castellano, Aloïs (Université de Liège) ; Alvarinhas Batista, J.P. (Université de Liège) ; Farris, Roberta (Institut Català de Nanociència i Nanotecnologia) ; Verstraete, Matthieu J. (Université de Liège) ; Heine, Matthew (Boston College. Department of Physics) ; Broido, David (Boston College. Department of Physics) ; Kim, Dennis S. (University of California, Los Angeles) ; Klarbring, Johan (Linköping University) ; Abrikosov, Igor A. (Linköping University) ; Simak, Sergei I. (Linköping University) ; Hellman, Olle (Weizmann Institute of Science)
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