D3.5 - The 'making of' of real-life mixed migration journeys arriving in the EU. Formation and materialisation of migration decisions
Selin Okyay, Asli (Istituto Affari Internazionali)
Barana, Luca (Istituto Affari Internazionali)
Boland, Colleen (Istituto Affari Internazionali)
Gozzini, Giulia (Istituto Affari Internazionali)
Huber, Daniela (Istituto Affari Internazionali)
Morente-González, Daniel (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Sánchez-Montijano, Elena (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)
Fecha: |
2022 |
Descripción: |
121 pag. |
Resumen: |
This deliverable is produced within Work Package-3 of the ITFLOWS Project (IT Tools and Methods for Managing Migration Flows) and presents the qualitative study of a set of 92 semi-structured interviews with migrants, asylum-seekers, and refugees who moved along the Eastern Mediterranean Route (to Greece), the Central Mediterranean Route (to Italy), the Western Mediterranean and Western African Routes (to Spain), and the Atlantic Air Route (to Spain). It aims at having a better understanding of how individuals constantly negotiate and interact with policy-shaped macro/meso constraints and opportunities in different contexts (origin, transit, host) and at all stages of the journey (departure, en route, arrival), including in their gendered dimensions. Thus, it aims at getting a better grasp of the entire migratory process and how it is (re)shaped through consecutive and dynamically changing decisions taken across multiple contexts making up one's experience of (fragmented) journeys as a whole. The analysis particularly inquires into how decisions are formed and materialised in relation to three interrelated questions: (i) whether to stay or move (next); (ii) where to move (next), i. e. , destination preferences; and (iii) how to get there, i. e. , itinerary, means and modality of mobility. |
Ayudas: |
European Commission 882986
Derechos: |
Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons en que s'entrega l'obra al domini públic. Podeu copiar, modificar, distribuir l'obra i fer-ne comunicació pública, fins i tot amb finalitat comercial, sense demanar cap mena de permís. |
Lengua: |
Anglès |
Colección: |
ITFLOWS Project |
Documento: |
Informe ; recerca ; Versió publicada |
Materia: |
Migrants ;
Decision-making ;
Mixed-migration ;
EU migration and asylum policy |
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