Implantació i Posada en Marxa del Sistema Logístic [44770]
Ramos González, Juan José
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Escola d'Enginyeria

Título variante: Logistics System Implementation and Ramp-Up
Título variante: Implantación y Puesta en Marcha del Sistema Logístico
Fecha: 2024-25
Resumen: Language of instruction is English. See the English version of the guide.
Resumen: This module has three course units: System Dynamics in Production and Logistics (Prof. Dr. Thomas Masurat, Prof. Dr. Gaby Neumann), System implementation and ramp-up (Prof. Dr. Henning Strubelt), and LSCM Project Work (Prof. Dr. Thomas Masurat, Prof. Dr. Gaby Neumann, Prof. Dr. Jens Wollenweber) CU1: System Dynamics in Production and Logistics (5 ECTS) After the course the student will be able to: understand the needs for networked/system thinking model, analyse, manage complex socio-economic systems understand chances and opportunities from scenario management detect, identify and evaluate identify important factors, which will have an influence on the future 1 detect, identify and evaluate identify important factors, which will have an influence on the future development of companies and business fields apply scenario management procedure, methods, tools for planning, managing and controlling implementation and launching of logistics systems make decisions in complex situations elaborate solid arguments to convince and motivate decision makers, select the proper partners and then plan and coordinate the project to implement the solution CU2: System implementation and ramp-up (2. 5 ECTS) After the course the student will be able to: understand challenges in implementing and launching logistics systems apply procedure, methods, tools for planning, managing and controlling implementation and launching of logistics systems address problems in logistics system implementation and ramp-up in a holistic approach elaborate solid arguments to convince and motivate decision makers, select the proper partners and then plan and coordinate the project to implement the solution CU3: LSCM Project Work (2. 5 ECTS) After the course the student will: Understand strategies, challenges, solutions, latest developments, ongoing research related to logistics processes and systems, their implementation and ramp-up, their management and control Understand specific requirements of logistics system implementation and ramp-up and their complexity Be able to identify and specify chances and risks in logistics systems and supply chains Be able to search for and report on state-of-the-art Be prepared for Master thesis.
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Lengua: Català, anglès, castellà
Titulación: Logística i Gestió de la Cadena de Subministrament [4318306]
Plan de estudios: Màster Universitari en Logistics and Supply Chain Management [1532]
Documento: Objecte d'aprenentatge

3 p, 95.9 KB

7 p, 111.3 KB

3 p, 95.4 KB

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Materiales académicos > Guías docentes

 Registro creado el 2024-09-13, última modificación el 2024-09-13

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