Estudi de la topografia dels setis de fixació de la ribonucleasa A per marcatge amb nucleòsids i nucleòtids purínics halogenats
Llorens Duran, Rafael de
Cuchillo, Claudi, dir. (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Bioquímica i de Biologia Molecular)

Publicación: Bellaterra : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2009
Resumen: Pel resum en català vegeu lldresum1de1. pdf. Resum en anglès Chemical and computer graphics studies on the topography of the ribonuclease A active site cleft. A model of the enzyme pentanucleotide substrate complex The affinity labelling of bovine pancreatic ribonuclease A with 6-chloropurine 5' ribonucleotide allowed us to postulate the existence of a new phosphate-binding subsite, P2, adjacent to the main purine-binding subsite. The study of this reaction in greater detail together with the study of a complex of the enzyme with the pentanucleotide pApUpApApG by means of model building and computer graphics indicate that at least five phosphate groups of the RNA molecule can interact with five positive regions of the enzyme. In each one a lysine residue is present: Lys-104, -66, -41, -7 and -37 appear sequentially in the 5' - 3' direction. The distance between each lysine is 0. 7-0. 8 nm, the same distance as that found between the phosphate groups on the RNA molecule. The study also enabled many amino acid residues of the enzyme to be described as forming part of, or being near, the different binding subsites. Keywords: affinity labelling/computer graphics/enzyme/substrate complex/protein/nucleic acid interation/ribonuclease A.
Nota: Consultable des del TDX
Nota: Títol obtingut de la portada digitalitzada
Nota: Tesi doctoral - Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Facultat de Ciències, Departament de Bioquímica, 1983
Nota: Bibliografia
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Lengua: Català
Documento: Tesi doctoral
Materia: Ribonucleases ; DNA ; Interaccions de les proteïnes
ISBN: 978-84-692-0224-1

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