Content integration in bilingual education : educational and interactional practices in the
Martín Rojo, Luisa
Labajos, Diana
López Muñoz, Manuel
Grup LIEC (Llengua i Ensenyament de les Ciències)
Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Universidad Autónoma de Madrid
Trobada sobre semi-immersió a Catalunya (3a : 2009 : Barcelona, Catalunya)
Taula rodona internacional sobre programes AICLE (1a : 2009 : Barcelona, Catalunya)

Fecha: 2009
Resumen: This contribution shows the very first results obtained during the pursue of the R&D research project "School and multilingualism: a critical sociolinguistic study on educational linguistic programs set in the Madrid Region (HUM2007-64694/FILO). The aim of this project is to analyze two educational linguistic programs implemented in the Madrid region, in particular, the language immersion classes, called Bridging Classes, designed for newcomers, and the bilingual programs currently put into practice in secondary public schools. Our main goal is to explore how both programmes are managed by the several "actors" involved: firstly, by the regional administration (such as funding, training, planning, teachers' training and other resources); secondly, by the schools (schools' involvement, and how the programs stand in the school); thirdly, by the teachers (methods of language teaching, the integration of content and language learning, teachers' aims and expectations). Finally, we study the students' trajectories, in order to know which programs, methods, practices and integration strategies are used to favour academic success and integrate students' diversity. In this contribution we analyze History and Geography lessons taught in a group in their third year of ESO (Educación Secundaria Obligatoria - compulsory secondary education), in a secondary school in Madrid. The methodological framework of the teacher integrates language and contents. Data have been collected by classroom observation by a team of researchers who are doing a year-long ethnographic study. The analysis focuses on the relationship between the way in which classroom interaction is organized (activities, objectives, topics, participation framework, legitimate languages and participants) and the teacher's pedagogical focus, that is, the teachers' decisions about what will be learned, and how and when (see Seedhouse 2004, for a similar approach). This pedagogical focus seems to be related to two factors. The first factor has to do with teachers' views of this programme, its goals and objectives. Those aspects will be analyzed by using deep interviews and also by the teachers' own contribution to the analysis of the data we present. The second factor considers teachers' expectations, and, in particular, the way their expectations towards their students influence their pedagogical focus. Moreover, we find that teachers' expectations are also related to the prestige this bilingual program enjoys among the school community.
Nota: III Colloquium on Semi-Immersion in Catalonia
Nota: III Encuentro sobre Semi-Inmersión en Cataluña
Derechos: Aquest document està subjecte a una llicència d'ús Creative Commons. Es permet la reproducció total o parcial, la distribució, i la comunicació pública de l'obra, sempre que no sigui amb finalitats comercials, i sempre que es reconegui l'autoria de l'obra original. No es permet la creació d'obres derivades. Creative Commons
Lengua: Anglès
Documento: Contribució a congrés
Materia: Semiimmersió ; Semiinmersión ; Semiimmersion ; Immersió ; Inmersión ; AICLE ; CLIL ; GREIP ; CLIL-SI ; ICE UAB ; Integració ; Integración ; Integration ; Bilingüisme ; Bilingüismo ; Bilingualism ; Plurilingüisme ; Plurilingüismo ; Plurilingualism ; Multilingüisme ; Multilingüismo ; Multilingualism ; Educació plurilingüe ; Educación plurilingüe ; Plurilingual education ; Ensenyament de llengües ; Enseñanza de lenguas ; Language teaching ; Llengua estrangera ; Lengua extranjera ; Foreign language ; Segona llengua ; Aprenentatge de llengües ; Segunda lengua ; Second language ; Adquisició de llengües ; Aprendizaje de lenguas ; Language learning ; Didàctica de la llengua ; Adquisición de lenguas ; Language acquisition ; TEFL ; Didàctica ; Didáctica de la lengua ; Didáctica ; Language pedagogy ; Formació del professorat de llengua ; Formación del profesorado de lengua ; Teacher Education ; Teacher Training
Publicado en: Trobada sobre semi-immersió a Catalunya. Barcelona, Catalunya, 3a : 2009
Taula rodona internacional sobre programes AICLE. Barcelona, Catalunya, 1a : 2009

30 p, 213.2 KB

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Documentos de investigación > Documentos de los grupos de investigación de la UAB > Centros y grupos de investigación (producción científica) > Artes y humanidades > CLIL-SI. Semiimmersió en llengua estrangera a l'aula inclusiva
Documentos de investigación > Documentos de los grupos de investigación de la UAB > Centros y grupos de investigación (producción científica) > Ciencias sociales y jurídicas > LIEC (Lenguaje y Enseñanza de las Ciencias)
Artículos > Artículos publicados > CLIL. Journal of Innovation and Research in Plurilingual and Pluricultural Education
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