Line search multilevel optimization as computational methods for dense optical flow
Kalmoun, El Mostafa
Garrido, Luis
Caselles, Vicent
Centre de Recerca Matemàtica

Publicación: Centre de Recerca Matemàtica 2010
Descripción: 30 p.
Resumen: We evaluate the performance of different optimization techniques developed in the context of optical flowcomputation with different variational models. In particular, based on truncated Newton methods (TN) that have been an effective approach for large-scale unconstrained optimization, we develop the use of efficient multilevel schemes for computing the optical flow. More precisely, we evaluate the performance of a standard unidirectional multilevel algorithm - called multiresolution optimization (MR/OPT), to a bidrectional multilevel algorithm - called full multigrid optimization (FMG/OPT). The FMG/OPT algorithm treats the coarse grid correction as an optimization search direction and eventually scales it using a line search. Experimental results on different image sequences using four models of optical flow computation show that the FMG/OPT algorithm outperforms both the TN and MR/OPT algorithms in terms of the computational work and the quality of the optical flow estimation.
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Lengua: Anglès
Colección: Centre de Recerca Matemàtica. Prepublicacions
Colección: Prepublicacions del Centre de Recerca Matemàtica ; 973
Documento: Article ; Prepublicació ; Versió de l'autor
Materia: Optimització matemàtica

30 p, 319.6 KB

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