Sensitivity analysis of composite piecewise smooth equations
Ralph, Daniel
Scholtes, Stefan

Fecha: 1997
Resumen: This paper is a contribution to the sensitivity analysis of piecewise smooth equations. A piecewise smooth function is a Lipschitzian homeomorphism near a given point if and only if it is coherently oriented and has an invertible B-derivative at this point. We emphasise the role of functions of the type f = g ° h where g is piecewise smooth and h is smooth and present verifiable conditions which ensure that the function f = g ° h is a Lipschitzian homeomorphism near a given point for every h sufficiently close to h with respect to the C^1-topology. .
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Lengua: Anglès
Documento: Article ; recerca ; Versió publicada
Materia: Sensitivity ; Composite ; Nonsmooth ; Piecewise affine ; Piecewise smooth ; Implicit function ; Lipschitzian homeomorphism ; Coherent orientation ; Complementarity problem
Publicado en: Mathematical Programming, vol. 76 n. 3 (1997) p. 593-612, ISSN 0025-5610

20 p, 1.1 MB
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