Aplicacions de Còmput d'Altes Prestacions de Ciència i Enginyeria [42232]
Cortés Fité, Ana

Date: 2012-13
Abstract: The main objective of this module is to apply the knowledge obtained during the first semester of this master regarding both, how to think and program in parallel and which are the main architectures of current parallel systems. For this purpose, in this module one analyzes different kind of scientific and engineering applications with high performance computing requirements.
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Language: Català
Studies: Còmput d'Altes Prestacions, Teoria de la Informació i Seguretat / High Performance Computing, Information Theory and Security [4313133]
Study plan: Màster Universitari en Còmput d'Altes Prestacions, Teoria de la Informació i Seguretat / High Performance Computing, Information Theory and Security [1094]
Document: Objecte d'aprenentatge

3 p, 10.2 KB

The record appears in these collections:
Course materials > Course guides

 Record created 2012-07-20, last modified 2023-01-28

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