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9 p, 839.7 KB Ambiphilic boryl groups in a neutral Ni() complex : a new activation mode of H / Ríos, Pablo (Universidad de Sevilla) ; Borge, Javier (Universidad de Oviedo) ; Fernández de Córdova Martín, Francisco José (Universidad de Sevilla) ; Sciortino, Giuseppe (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Química) ; Lledós, Agustí (Lledós i Falcó) (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Química) ; Rodríguez, Amor (Universidad de Sevilla)
The concept of metal-ligand cooperation opens new avenues for the design of catalytic systems that may offer alternative reactivity patterns to the existing ones. Investigations of this concept with ligands bearing a boron center in their skeleton established mechanistic pathways for the activation of small molecules in which the boron atom usually performs as an electrophile. [...]
2020 - 10.1039/d0sc06014c
Chemical science, Vol. 12 (December 2020) , p. 2540-2548  

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