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Research literature, 1 records found
Research literature 1 records found  
2.7 MB Estudio biomecánico de las placas dinámicas cervicales mediante modelos de elementos finitos y ensayos biomecánicos / Duart Clemente, Javier Melchor ; Pellisé Urquiza, Ferrán, dir.
A les cirurgies cervicals anteriors s'utilitzen plaques cargolades per augmentar la taxa de fusió de l'empelt ossi que s'interposa entre vèrtebres; el seu disseny ha anat evolucionant per adaptar-se als inconvenients que s'han anat trobant: inicialment els cargols no estaven subjectes a les plaques, per la qual cosa podien deixar-se anar. [...]
En las cirugías cervicales anteriores se emplean placas atornilladas para aumentar la tasa de fusión del injerto óseo que se interpone entre vértebras; su diseño ha ido evolucionando para adaptarse a los inconvenientes que se han ido encontrando: inicialmente los tornillos no estaban sujetos a las placas, por lo que podían soltarse. [...]
Screwed plates are used in cervical surgeries to increase the fusion rate of the bone graft placed between two vertebrae, which design has evolved to overcome their disadvantages. In the initial models, the screws were not firmly attached to the plates, with risk of loosening of the same; this was addressed by firmly attaching the screws to the plates, but unfortunately this modifies the load distribution through the bone graft (following Wolff's Law, compression is useful to foster bone formation). [...]


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