Resultats globals: 1 registres trobats en 0.01 segons.
Articles, 1 registres trobats
Articles 1 registres trobats  
10 p, 118.3 KB On the diophantine equation xp - x = yq - y / Mignotte, Maurice ; Pethó, A.
We consider the diophantine equation xp - x = yq - y, in integers (x, p, y, q). We prove that for given p and q with 2 [less than or equal] p < q (*) has only finitely many solutions. Assuming the abc-conjecture we can prove that p and q are bounded. [...]
1999 - 10.5565/PUBLMAT_43199_08
Publicacions matemàtiques, V. 43 N. 1 (1999) , p. 207-216  

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