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Documents de recerca, 1 registres trobats
Documents de recerca 1 registres trobats  
355 p, 2.3 MB La Lactancia en el antiguo Egipto : una aproximación léxica y cultural / Rodríguez-Berzosa Gómez-Landero, Sara ; Orriols i Llonch, Marc, dir. ; Cors i Meya, Jordi, dir. ; Institut d'Estudis del Pròxim Orient Antic
Históricamente, la alimentación con el pecho materno ha sido la única forma de garantizar la salud y la supervivencia del recién nacido y su fracaso una de las causas fundamentales de mortalidad infantil. [...]
Historically, breastfeeding was the only way to guarantee the health and the survival of the new born and its failure was one of the essential cause of infant mortality. Although most of the societies have considered breastfeeding as a natural fact and something necessary for the life of the new born, its customs have been very different depending on the sociocultural and temporal contexts. [...]

[Barcelona] : Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 2017
4 documents

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