Resultados globales: 9 registros encontrados en 0.02 segundos.
Artículos, Encontrados 3 registros
Contribuciones a jornadas y congresos, Encontrados 1 registros
Documentos de investigación, Encontrados 5 registros
Artículos Encontrados 3 registros  
16 p, 2.5 MB Migraciones, Italia y Europa entre datos de investigación y narrativas mediáticas / Ciofalo, Giovanni (Sapienza Università di Roma) ; Gavrila, Mihaela (Sapienza Università di Roma)
Estamos afrontando una nueva fase de procesos de migración, en equilibrio entre los profundos cambios geopolíticos, económicos y socioculturales y la falta de preparación de los medios y de las políticas occidentales para abordar esta complejidad. [...]
We are facing a new phase of migration processes caught between profound geopolitical, economic and sociocultural changes and the lack of preparation of Western media and policy in addressing this complexity. [...]
Estem afrontant una nova fase de processos de migració, en equilibri entre els profunds canvis geopolítics, econòmics i socioculturals i la manca de preparació dels mitjans i de les polítiques occidentals per abordar aquesta complexitat. [...]

2020 - 10.5565/rev/analisi.3254
Anàlisi : quaderns de comunicació i cultura, Núm. extraordinari (2020) , p. 115-130 (Articles)
2 documentos
25 p, 901.7 KB La integración del colectivo inmigrante en las regiones españolas / Martínez de Lizarrondo Artola, Antidio (Universidad Pública de Navarra) ; Rinken, Sebastian (Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (Espanya). Instituto de Estudios Sociales Avanzados) ; Moreno, Gorka (Universidad del País Vasco) ; Godenau, Dirk (Universidad de La Laguna)
Este artículo presenta un novedoso sistema de medición de la integración de las personas inmigrantes en las regiones españolas. Complementando en varios aspectos la iniciativa lanzada años atrás por las instituciones europeas (Declaración de Zaragoza), el sistema de medición propuesto comprende 24 indicadores que abarcan cuatro áreas: la situación laboral; las relaciones sociales e intergrupales; el bienestar individual, y el acceso a derechos de ciudadanía. [...]
Aquest article presenta un nou sistema de mesurament de la integració de les persones immigrants a les regions espanyoles. Complementant en diversos aspectes la iniciativa llançada anys enrere per les institucions europees (Declaració de Saragossa), el sistema de mesurament proposat comprèn 24 indicadors que abasten quatre àrees: la situació laboral; les relacions socials i intergrupals; el benestar individual, i l'accés a drets de ciutadania. [...]
This paper presents an innovative measurement system regarding the integration of immigrants in Spain and its regions. Complementing in various ways the EU-sponsored Declaration of Zaragoza, the approach proposed here includes 24 indicators grouped into four areas: employment, social and intergroup relations, individual welfare, and citizenship. [...]

2016 - 10.5565/rev/papers.2257
Papers : revista de sociologia, Vol. 101 Núm. 3 (Juliol-Setembre 2016) , p. 289-313 (Artículos)  
33 p, 880.1 KB La valoración social del multiculturalismo y del monoculturalismo en Europa / Bericat Alastuey, Eduardo
Partiendo de la tesis sostenida por Verena Stolcke, que advierte de la existencia de un cambio en el discurso mediante el que las poblaciones autóctonas rechazan a los inmigrantes, se ha realizado una investigación empírica con el objeto de verificar si, en efecto, los discursos basados en un fundamentalismo cultural están sustituyendo a los explícitamente racistas o xenófobos. [...]
Following Verena Stolcke's thesis, which defends that a change on the discourse through which native population rejects immigrants, an empirical research has been carried out attempting to verify if the discourses based on cultural fundamentalism are replacing those explicitly racist or xenophobic. [...]

2009 - 10.5565/rev/papers/v94n0.690
Papers : revista de sociologia, N. 94 (2009) p. 79-111  

Contribuciones a jornadas y congresos Encontrados 1 registros  
54 p, 3.3 MB From So Far to So Close. Addressing the Refugee Phenomenon: History, Sociology, Technology / Fitili, Magda (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Ţârău, Virgiliu (Bolyai University) ; Karabegović, Dzeneta (University of Salzburg) ; Sharifi, Massoud (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) ; Mosquera Chamat, Merlys (Asociación San Juan de Dios España) ; Fosso, Rolland ; Mulholland, Paul (The Open University) ; Hernández, Marc (La Tempesta Media) ; Zorrilla, Mikel (Vicomtech)
La Conferència internacional "From So Far to So Close. Addressing the Refugee Phenomenon: History, Sociology, Technology" es va celebrar en format virtual els dies 15 i 16 de juny de 2020. La primera taula rodona "History of Refugees in the 20th Century" va incloure les següents intervencions: 1. [...]
International Conference: From So Far to So Close. Addressing the Refugee Phenomenon: History, Sociology and Technology (June 15-16th, Virtual Format), : 2020  

Documentos de investigación Encontrados 5 registros  
24 p, 546.8 KB D2.3 Co-design methodology template / Fondazione scuola di Pace Monte Sole
The goal of this report is to illustrate the co-creation methodology as a natural consequence determined by the context and the premises of the SO-CLOSE project design and Consortium.
The text develops firstly an introduction as a short analytical report of the project framework, both in terms of scientific competences and interactional practices present in the Consortium and it turns then to a critic review of literature and experiences about co-creation. [...]

2021 (SO-CLOSE)  
12 p, 432.8 KB WP2 : Co-design of the tools for cultural heritage co-creation / Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona ; Fondazione Scuola di Pace di Monte Sole
Training session. Main goals are A) to prepare cultural institutions for their task of conducting focus groups as part of WP2 and B) to start off the partners in their design of their respective focus group meetings. [...]
2020 (SO-CLOSE)
2 documentos
7 p, 290.8 KB D5.7-Policy Paper 2. Recommendations on policies to promote mutual understanding between refugees and the local communities in Europe / Monicelli, Elena (Fondazione Scuola de Pace di Monte Sole) ; Fondazione Scuola de Pace di Monte Sole
The deliverable develops the WP2 activities' findings into recommendations for policy makers, in order to enhance social cohesion, mutual undertanding and efeective integration between local communities and refugee / asylum seeker individuals and communities in terms of cultural heritage and historical and personal memories.
2021 (SO-CLOSE Policy paper ; 2)  
141 p, 6.7 MB D2.1 User requirements and needs and gaps analysis report / Monicelli, Elena (Fondazione Scuola di Pace di Monte Sole) ; Bergonzini, Elena (Fondazione Scuola di Pace di Monte Sole) ; Merzi, Stefano (Fondazione Scuola di Pace di Monte Sole) ; Rossi, Maria Elena (Fondazione Scuola di Pace di Monte Sole) ; Venturi, Vilmer (Fondazione Scuola di Pace di Monte Sole)
This report illustrates the main findings of the SO-CLOSE WP2 collective research, based on participatory methods and group reflections (co-creation and focus groups). The idea is to enlighten coherences and resources as well as questionable and problematic points, in order to help WP3, WP4 and WP5 with new and tested ideas together with suggestions to mitigate possible obstacles, misunderstandings and mistakes. [...]
2021 (SO-CLOSE)  
39 p, 2.0 MB D1.2 Information gathering report : societal, ethical, cross-cultural / Narvselius, Eleonora (Lund University) ; Dutceac Segesten, Anamaria (Lund University)
This report provides a theoretically-informed approach to migration and heritage in response to the SO-CLOSE project's objective to "contribute to social cohesion and fight refugee marginalization or exclusion by facilitating the encounters between similar life stories, through the mediation of innovative digital and artistic tools. [...]
2021 (SO-CLOSE)  

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