Resultats globals: 1 registres trobats en 0.07 segons.
Contribucions a jornades i congressos, 1 registres trobats
Contribucions a jornades i congressos 1 registres trobats  
19 p, 682.7 KB The Cognitive Perspective in Teaching Chinese measure words / Rovira-Esteva, Sara (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona. Departament de Traducció i d'Interpretació)
This paper aims to show that the teaching and learning of Chinese measure words would not only be better approached from the perspective of cognitive linguistics but should also include relevant discourse and pragmatic information, thus leaving aside the traditional approach that presents them as a mere (and rather annoying) grammar device.
Biennial Conference of the EACS. Heidelberg, Alemanya, 15è : 2004  

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