Resultados globales: 2 registros encontrados en 0.01 segundos.
Artículos, Encontrados 2 registros
Artículos Encontrados 2 registros  
37 p, 1.6 MB The potential impact of co-residence structures on socio-demographic inequalities in COVID-19 mortality / Giorgi, Julien (Institut National de la Statistique et des Études Économiques) ; Boertien, Diederik (Centre d'Estudis Demogràfics)
During the COVID-19 pandemic, confinement measures were adopted across the world to limit the spread of the virus. In France, these measures were applied between March 17 and May 10. Using high-quality population census data and focusing on co-residence structures on French territory, this article analyzes how co-residence patterns unevenly put different socio-demographic groups at risk of being infected and dying from COVID-19. [...]
2021 - 10.1186/s41118-021-00124-8
Genus, Vol. 77 (september 2021)  
9 p, 299.7 KB The Concept of Beauty in Medieval Nativities from England and Spain / Chacón-Carmona, Vicente (Universidad de Sevilla. Departamento de Literatura Inglesa y Norteamericana)
Medieval nativity plays, in particular those dealing with the adoration of the shepherds, tend to depict two well distinct worlds, namely before and after the characters learn about the birth of the Messiah. [...]
El presente artículo analiza el concepto de belleza en las obras medievales que dramatizan la Adoración de los Pastores en Inglaterra y Castilla. La belleza en estas obras no se representa en escena, solo se aprecia. [...]

Mirabilia, Núm. 18 (January-June 2014) , p. 197-205  

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